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Actovegin solution for injections

19 Jul 2018

"What is Actovegin?"

"How to use Actovegin?"
Such questions are asked to us by readers in their letters.

Actovegin solution for injections

Actovegin is an antihypoxic, i.e. a drug that improves oxygen delivery to tissues. Due to the ability to increase metabolism in tissue cells, the latter effectively absorb glucose and oxygen. Thanks to injections of Actovegin, the energy of the cell is improved, especially with ischemia and hypoxia. Clinical studies have shown that the maximum effect of Actovegin in ampoules occurs in 2-6 hours.

Actovegin in ampoules is effective in patients with such concomitant diseases as renal or hepatic insufficiency. Also, ampoule Actovegin is used in patients of advanced age and newborns, in patients with type 2 diabetes with diabetic polyneuropathy. Actovegin is used in neurology, endocrinology, cardiology, etc.

Actovegin in ampoules / Instruction

Description / Actovegin in ampoules
Transparent solution in glass ampoules. Weak yellow solution.

Composition / Actovegin in ampoules
The main substance: dry deproteinized calf blood calves. Auxiliary components: sodium chloride, water for injections, glucose anhydrous.

Indications for use of Actovegin in ampoules / Instruction
1. Vascular and metabolic disorders of the brain (ischemic stroke, cerebral insufficiency, encephalopathy, craniocerebral trauma).

2. Peripheral vascular disorders, as well as their consequences.
Diabetic polyneuropathy, radiation neuropathy, arterial angiopathy.

3. Actovegin in ampoules is used for poorly healing wounds, as well as in the following cases:
bedsores, ulcers of different etiology, burns (chemical and thermal lesions of the nervous tissue, skin, mucous membranes), radiation damage to mucous membranes and skin.

Contraindications / Actovegin in ampoules
Individual allergic intolerance to injections of Actovegin and similar medicines. For infusion solutions - heart failure in the stage of decompensation, oliguria, pulmonary edema, fluid retention in the body, anuria.
For those suffering from diabetes it is very important to take into account the concentration of glucose in the solution for infusions of Actovegin with dextrose.

Way of application of Actovegin parenteral / Instruction
Actovegin is used intravenously, intramuscularly or intraarterially in ampoules of 10-20 ml or as an infusion with Actovegin, and then - 5 ml IV or IM daily or several times a week. In / m - enter no more than 5ml, because the solution is hypertonic.
With the introduction of Actovegin in the form of infusions - 10-50 ml are diluted in 200-300 ml of sodium chloride or 5% of glucose.

Dosage of Actovegin in ampoules / Instruction

Disorders of blood circulation and metabolism: first injections of ampoules of Actovegin IV in 10 ml every day for two weeks, then iv 5-10 ml several times a day for four weeks. Stroke ischemic: 20-50ml solution of Actovegin in 200-300 ml of the base solution, applied daily or several times within two to three weeks.

Arterial angiopathy: 20-50 ml of Actovegin in 200-300 ml of the basic r-ra, in / a or / in a daily or several times a week (approximately, for four weeks).

Burns of different etiology: iv in 10 ml of Actovegin or in / m of 5 ml of Actovegin daily or several times a day.

A solution of Actovegin for IV or IV administration / Instruction
Enter Actovegin from 250 ml per day in / in or in / a to 500 ml. The speed is approx. 2 ml / min. Usually prescribe 10-20 injections of Actovegin.

Disorders of the metabolism and circulation of the brain: intravenously 250-500 ml / day (for two weeks), then 250 ml several times a week (at least four weeks).

Actovegin with ischemic stroke: in / in 250-500 ml of Actovegin apply daily or several times a week (for two to three weeks).

Arterial angiopathy: iv or 250 ml of Actovegin daily or several times a week (four weeks).

Actovegin with ulcers, burns: in / in 250ml daily or several times a week.

Radiation damage to the skin, mucous membranes: intravenously 250 ml - 1 day before the start of radiotherapy and two weeks - after the end of therapy.

Additional Instructions for Use of Actovegin / Instruction
1. When administering Actovegin in / m, do not exceed the dose in 5 ml of the solution, t. it is hypertonic (concentrated).
2. It is always necessary to carry out a trial reaction of Actovegin (2 ml of solution) in connection with possible anaphylactic reactions.
3. The solution of Actovegin is compatible with solutions of sodium chloride and 5% glucose solution. It is not recommended to mix with other solutions.

Side effects of Actovegin / Instruction
Actovegin is usually well tolerated, rarely allergic reactions occur, anaphylactic shock.
Side effects of Actovegin may manifest themselves in a variety of ways:
1. Immune system: rash, itching, skin hyperemia, urticaria, increased sweating, swelling of the mucous membranes and skin, angioedema edema, chills, fever.
2. Nervous system: headache, agitation, weakness, tremor, paresthesia, fainting.
3. Musculoskeletal system: pain in the joints, lower back, muscles.
4. Digestive tract: pain in epigastrium, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
5. Cardiovascular system: tachycardia, dyspnea, pain in the heart, acrocyanosis, arterial hypertension or hypotension, pallor of the skin.
6. Respiratory system: asthma attack, sore throat, rapid breathing, difficulty swallowing, tightening in the chest.
7. Possible reactions at the site of administration of Actovegin.

Actovegin during pregnancy and lactation
The use of the drug Actovegin during pregnancy is only for the purpose of the attending physician and under his supervision according to vital indications (for example, with pathological pregnancy, which you can also learn here).

Children: Actovegin, according to the instruction, is not used in pediatrics (because of lack of evidence base). But in practice Actovegin is used in exceptional cases (according to vital indications).

Actovegin is compatible with a variety of drugs.
Transport management with the use of Actovegin
There are no studies of the effect of Actovegin on the reaction rate when driving vehicles. However, one should consider the possibility of negative effects of Actovegin on the nervous system.

Overdose: cases of an overdose of Actovegin are unknown.

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