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Actovegin injection - helps during pregnancy

08 Jan 2017

Advantages: versatile for different diseases

Disadvantages: expensive

“Actovegin” is a drug designed to enhance metabolism in tissues. Actovegin is purified from the high molecular weight protein compounds fraction of calves blood.

The solution is transparent, slightly yellow. The vial can be opened without the aid of sawing, simply broke off the tip.

At 35 weeks pregnant, my doctor said that in the placenta disrupt blood flow. Put me in the hospital, I was appointed as droppers “Actovegin” glucose solution 5%. The course of treatment was 5 drippers, drip put in a day.

Already I felt after the second dropper that my condition has improved, and the survey showed that blood flow to the placenta is not broken.

Placental insufficiency may occur for various reasons, which inevitably affects the performance of the trophic, metabolic, transport, endocrine and other vital functions of the placenta. In this state, the exchange of substances between the mother and the child's body is much worse, therefore doctors prescribe “Actovegin”.

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