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Actovegin injection - Helped me with fetal hypoxia and oligohydramnios

10 Dec 2016

Advantages: effective drug during hypoxia in the fetus, with concussion

Disadvantages: injections are very painful, not cheap

I was pregnant. Ultrasound showed that the fetus has a small underweight (dystrophy), oligohydramnios and hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

The doctor prescribed Actovegin injection. after a course of injections, almost all was in order. Doctors have moderate oligohydramnios and hypoxia removed. They said that during those 10 days, the child has grown up well. "Actovegin" as soon as possible to fix it. More problems I was not. Daughter was born in 38 weeks, with normal weight and parameters.

Usage time: 10 days

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