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Actovegin injection – helped in the vegetative dystonia

06 Jan 2017

Advantages: excellent state of health, good drug

Disadvantages: pricey

I was diagnosed with vegetative vascular dtstoniya.

VSD has proved unexpectedly. Within a few days I have very bad headache, nothing I could do. Feels pressing pain, vertigo, the sparks in my eyes. The pain spread out across the left side of the face, gave ear, eye and jaw felt numbness of the face. On the fourth day, I went to the hospital because of my strength to endure no longer had - tsitramon and other light painkillers helped by strength for 2 hours.

After examination by a therapist I rushed to the neurologist, suspecting inflammation of the facial nerve, but not the neurologist confirmed the diagnosis. VSD with cephalgic syndrome. In this syndrome, VSD is manifested in the form of migraines and dizziness.

The doctor has ordered emergency treatment - intravenous injections of Actovegin (10 shots 5ml).

The main effect Actovegin is its ability to protect organs and tissues from damage in the conditions of insufficient blood supply (anti-ischemic effect). It is associated with the anti-hypoxic and antioxidant mechanisms of drug action. “Actovegin” has a complex metabolic effects associated with its constituent amino acids, micro and macro elements. Improving the work of the intracellular enzyme systems, “Actovegin” strengthens synthetic processes and thus stimulate anabolism. This improves tissue regeneration, repair damage occurs.

The effect appeared within 2-3 days. Headaches began to disappear, I could go back to work for at least half a day. After the course of treatment the pain completely gone, gone discomfort in the head, pressing feeling, I began to think faster, better remember the information.

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