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Actovegin injection – helped during pregnancy

07 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective

Disadvantages: expensive

During pregnancy, which flowed at me hard, I was prescribed a lot of medicines.

Honestly, some I even refused - too frightened so many medicines, but “Actovegin”, reviews of which I heard only positive from other pregnant girls - one of the drugs, which I agreed to injecting.

I had an ultrasound at 24 weeks "is not very good," the placenta and the risk of oxygen starvation of the baby, but after Actovegin to 27.5 weeks on the next ultrasound all was normalized.

Read that Actovegin drug with unproven efficacy, but for me its effectiveness is proven and well-being, and the results of my ultrasound.

Injections are painful, but not worse than other drugs that offer pregnant and gave birth, it is possible to tolerate. The main thing is that there is an effect. I know that in pharmacies drug is expensive, but I was stabbed in the hospital for free.

Usage time: 10 days

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