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Actovegin - for what the drug is prescribed? Application in medicine

27 Oct 2016

"Some names of drugs on everyone's lips. No exception and for "Actovegin", for what is prescribed and when this drug is used, knows most of the population. And for the ignorant readers will not prevent a small digression, which will help to fill this gap.

A small list of possible pregnancy complications.

The target audience of the product – pregnant women. These beautiful 40 weeks for someone may seem like a living hell, not all pregnancies are equally good. There are the unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • Constant nausea, especially in the morning.
  • Persistent changes in taste preferences. It can go up to the land of desire to eat, izv¸stku, scheb¸nku
  • Swelling throughout the body, especially the lower limbs are affected. There is already the case in the anatomy and hemodynamics - especially blood.
  • General weakness and malaise. Often accompanied by the development of depression and unstable state of mind.

In fact, the list goes on for a long time, some problems will face each woman, with only the other "lucky". The fact is that from the moment of fertilization in the mother qualitative and quantitative changes begin to occur.

Just imagine how difficult the person is arranged. A pregnant body needs 10 obstetric months to fully reproduce this masterpiece of nature.

To perform this task mobilize all internal resources, sometimes the mother is still too little hard in this distribution.

Can we count on the normal pregnant state of health and the absence of serious manifestations? Yes, have enough:

  • A good heredity. Genetics plays a huge role in the development of any violations.
  • The ability to deal with their health.
  • Enough free time to relax and not to overload themselves with work.
  • Do not interfere, even to visit the antenatal clinic and get advice from your doctor. But not everything depends on the person, on some points we in any way can not affect.

If the state has already arisen, requiring urgent medical intervention, it is better not to delay this. All products designed for pregnant women undergo many clinical studies and all sorts of checks to scientists could ensure their quality. The fines, lawsuits, bankruptcy - no company is interested in such an outcome.

What will benefit pregnant?

More often than not in the list of appointments for pregnant women can be seen:

Restorative therapy:

  • Vitamin preparations. Overdoing is difficult, but the lack of these substances can lead to serious abnormalities in the child. Especially in the development of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
  • Relaxing and therapeutic massage. In full it is difficult or impossible to perform, but you can have a distracting attention.
  • Iodomarin with micro and macro elements in a pregnant woman can also be things are not so smooth. Therefore it is necessary to appoint agents, to help restore metabolic balance and exclude the possible pathology: both the mother and in the newborn.

Specific drugs:

  • Cardioprotectors - substances that are acting on the heart muscle, reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies. An important stage in the preparation of pregnant women for childbirth.
  • Actovegin. It has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, not only the mother but also the fetus. His security had to show for years of use.
  • Angiotensin drugs. High blood pressure still remains a serious problem for any obstetrician. Specially designed for pregnant funds have a more gentle effect on the entire body. After all, any abrupt pressure drop could be a disaster for the new little life. "Labetalol" and "Metnuldopo" to help cope with hypertension.

In which cases, prescribe "Actovegin"

So far, we have found that Actovegin is appointed pregnant. It remains only to find out when it can appoint:

If a history of miscarriage. Previous adverse outcomes of pregnancy is not an absolute measure of the appointment of the drug, but it is better to be safe. To this time the tragedy does not happen again, and nothing happened.

  • After examining the "Doppler". This research is carried out in a planned manner in the later stages of pregnancy. According to the patient's request it can be done at an earlier stage to ensure that the blood flow is normal. If it is not - a reason to start taking appropriate medications as quickly as possible.
  • Regarding speed: emergency Actovegin is also used. The truth is administered intravenously it is already, to act more quickly and began to influence already in the first minutes after administration.
  • When the diagnosis of placental insufficiency is the drug of choice. Connecting the mother and the fetus system may have flaws, the possible consequences, I think, clear. It is through the placenta child receives all the necessary nutrients.

Influence of Actovegin on the body for the pregnant woman.

The main mechanism of action associated with Actovegin effect on vascular endothelial cells. Through the influence of substances increases their resistance to oxygen starvation, which strengthens the structure of the vascular wall and improves the yield several possibilities of a pregnant woman. If in the future there will an unexpected situation that may result in fetal hypoxia, or problems with blood circulation of the mother - the body will be ready for it.

Furthermore, normal glucose uptake by cells and other nutrients from the blood increases their delivery into the vessel wall. And here the placenta? It turned out that as a nice bonus drug has a positive effect on the rate and volume of placental blood flow.

If in the system mother - fetus there any pathology, it is necessary to eliminate. For emergency Actovegin is suitable in solution into the vein, if the situation can be patient, tablets or capsules. Side effects and contraindications, as with all drugs, but they are insignificant. Mainly deal allergic conditions.

It is not necessary to prescribe a drug currently own, or for the prevention, much less for the relief of acute conditions. First, we should see a doctor to help was comprehensive and effective.

Many mothers tell their children about Actovegin preparation for what is prescribed and how it saved the life once little one. The status should be given proper attention, especially when it comes to pregnancy.

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