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Actovegin ampoules - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

02 Mar 2017

Synonyms: Solcoseryl

Active substance: Deproteinized gemoderivat of calf blood

ATC - B06AB Other hematological agents.

Pharmacological group - Antihypoxants and antioxidants; Angioprotectors and proofreaders microcirculation; Regenerants and reparants.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

I25.2 Transferred last myocardial infarction;

I63 Cerebral infarction;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

I69 Effects of cerebrovascular diseases;

I73.9 peripheral vascular disease, unspecified;

I79.2 Peripheral angiopathy in diseases classified elsewhere;

I87.2 Venous insufficiency (chronic) (peripheral);

I99 Other and unspecified disorders of the circulatory system;

L58 radiation dermatitis radiation;

L89 Decubital ulcer;

L98.4.2 * skin trophic ulcer;

S06 intracranial injury;

T14.1 Open wound of unspecified body region;

T30 Burns and corrosions of unspecified site;

T79.3 Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified.

Actovegin Composition, structure and packing

Injection: Clear, yellowish, practically free from particles.

Actovegin Pharmacological action

Antihypoxant. Actovegin gemoderivat is that obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration (tested compound with a molecular weight less than 5000 daltons). Positively affects the transport and utilization of glucose stimulates oxygen consumption (which leads to stabilization of the plasma membranes of cells during ischemia and the reduced formation of lactate) having thus anti-hypoxic action, which begins to appear at the latest after 30 min (10–30 min) after parenteral administration and reaches a peak and an average of 3 hours (2–6 hours).

Actovegin increases the concentration of ATP, LDF, phosphocreatine, and amino acids - glutamate, aspartate and GABA.

Use of the drug Actovegin to promote wound healing is also based on the above-mentioned data. This improves not only morphological but also biochemical parameters of granulation - increasing the concentration of DNA, hemoglobin and hydroxyproline.


Through pharmacokinetic methods impossible pharmacokinetic study drug Actovegin because it consists only of physiological components which are normally present in the body.

So far not found a decrease in the pharmacological effect gemoderivat patients with altered pharmacokinetics (eg, hepatic or renal failure , metabolic changes associated with old age, as well as characteristics of metabolism in newborns).

Actovegin Dosage

IV, IM, intraarterially as well as infusion.

Instructions for use vials with one break point:

Place the tip of the ampoule point upwards;

Gently tapping his finger and shaking the vial to give a solution from the tip of the ampoule to flow down;

Place the tip of the ampoule point upwards.

Break off the tip.

General dosing recommendations:

Depending on the severity of the clinical picture, the initial dose is 10–20 ml IV per day, with further treatment - 5–10 ml IV or 5 ml IM.

When administered as an infusion to 200–300 ml of the solution (isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution) is added at 10–20 ml Actovegin. The introduction rate - about 2 ml/min.

Dose depending on the evidence:

Disorders of cerebral circulation and metabolism: early treatment of 10–20 ml IV per day for 2 weeks, then - 5.10 ml IV 3–4 times per week for at least 2 weeks.

Ischemic stroke: 20–50 mL in 200–300 mL of stock solution IV drip daily for 1 week, then - 10–20 ml IV drip - 2 weeks.

Angiopathy: 20–30 ml of the drug in 200 ml of the solution intraarterially or IV day, duration of about 4 weeks of treatment.

Trophic and other poorly healing ulcers, burns: 10 ml IV or 5 ml VM daily or 3–4 times a week depending on the healing process (in addition to local treatment drug Actovegin into dosage forms for topical use).

Prevention and treatment of radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes: the average dose is 5 ml IV per day during breaks in radiation exposure.

Radiation cystitis: 10 ml daily transurethral therapy in combination with antibiotics.

Actovegin at Pregnancy and lactation

With careful use of medication during pregnancy and lactation.

Actovegin Side effects

Allergic reactions (urticaria, edema, drug fever). In such cases, treatment should be discontinued Actovegin. If necessary, a standard therapy of allergic reactions (antihistamines and/or corticosteroids).

Actovegin Indications

Metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (acute and chronic forms of cerebral circulatory disorders, dementia, traumatic brain injury);

Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (angiopathy, trophic ulcers );

Healing pan (ulcers of various etiologies, trophic disorders (bedsores), and processes of wound healing);

Thermal and chemical burns;

Radiation damage to the skin, mucous membranes, radiation neuropathy.

Actovegin Contraindications

Hypersensitivity to the drug Actovegin or similar drugs.

Precautions: heart failure II-II degree, pulmonary edema, oliguria, anuria, hyperhydration, diabetes, hyperglycemia, pregnancy, lactation.

Actovegin Cautions

In the case of W/O application process slow administered no more than 5 ml.

Because of the possibility of an anaphylactic reaction recommended test injection (2 ml/m).

Observe aseptic conditions as Actovegin for injection contains no preservatives.

Solution for injection has a slightly yellowish tint. The color intensity can vary from one batch to another, depending on the characteristics of the raw materials used, but it does not adversely affect the activity of the drug or its portability.

After opening the ampoule solution can not be stored and used Store solutions.

Actovegin Reviews

Maria, 35 years, "Actovegin". He and I had to take tablets and as injections. Many are afraid of it, and its price structure. Yes, it is very expensive. A jar of dark glass with fifty pills costs about one and a half thousand rubles. But when after a severe stress tortured me headaches, become numb part of the face, fingers and toes, there has had to ignore the price. I was also embarrassed that the preparation is made on the basis of the blood of calves. But the Austrian company Nycomed provides medicines for a long time in our country, and they are of high quality.

"Actovegin" prescribed to patients after stroke in violation of cerebral circulation, diabetics, when due to illness, they become numb limbs, after a traumatic brain injury. In general, these are the situations when the body is experiencing oxygen starvation, and it is necessary to increase the metabolism in tissues, saturate them with oxygen. He works at the arterial and venous vascular disorders. Very carefully, almost in a whisper, share that Aktovegin used for pregnant women with threatened miscarriage, but it is so complex topic that it should be discussed with a gynecologist-obstetrician. Good Actovegin affects the very elderly patients.

But my story was not as rosy as I'd hoped. Improving the condition, I felt literally on the second day after the start of Actovegin tablets, and left sick and continue to take it to the cottage, where quiet, calm and forest air.

On the third day with the head it is getting better, but I almost never left the toilet. I must say that it is very unpleasant. In addition, we began to swell fingers and feet. I began to study the instructions. Yes, indeed - with caution must be applied Actovegin patients prone to accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Unfortunately, this is about me. But about an upset stomach in the list of possible complications is not a word was said. From fright I stopped taking the pills stopped improving.

To his neurologist came only two days later. He was surprised that the tableted product so quickly took action. And with doubt heard the story of an upset stomach. But by this time I rummaged through the Internet and know that this is not often, but it happens.

We decided to go to the injection. Swelling asleep and did not come back with all the stomach was fine, but the injections were very painful. Fortunately, Actovegin, despite all the troubles related to its reception, helped me a lot. The mobility of persons recovered first, then subsided headaches, numbness passed the fingers and toes.

When I read about a proven effect Actovegin, then I found out that it is in the form of ointments and good help for burns and bedsores.

Bill, 37 years.The drug "Actovegin" (injection) was administered repeatedly to my mother, basically he was appointed as she lay after the fracture, she felt very bad she did not have the strength and also her heart play tricks. And we recently bought when there was an attack of tachycardia. That's why since I prick myself to her, these injections do not know by hearsay.

The drug Actovegin prescribed for cerebrovascular insufficiency, it is also prescribed to improve blood flow in varicose veins (and this poser mom is). The drug is administered intramuscularly in the form of injections, we administered a total of five shots is the one package. I stabbed her mother once a day injection, she says, that does not prick and after it was left cones on the buttocks. Regarding the effect of the drug, I have only positive reviews, a burst of energy, feeling better, much better heart was herself a mother feel. Perfect preparation. Side effects of injections my mom was not observed, tolerated the drug very well.

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