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Action of Nootropic Drugs

16 Dec 2016

Welcome, today is mostly a philosophical topic in which such issues will be discussed such as: what a body, I have to change its settings should be, why some nootropics act so that there is a strong motivation, others - poker face. Why do some feel side effects, others get only advantages.

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Everything around us is both simple and complicated in the same time. There are simple laws. Gravity: even when people thought the world was flat, no one denies the fact that jumping from the tree, the man soon fly down than up. Want to lose weight - do not eat anything. Perhaps there is no person in the world who would not eat anything and not losing weight, except for the hundreds of thousands of girls who have the nature of "hormones" and "extensive bone." Want to be clever - read a book, learn the skills. Do you want to get fat - eat like a hippopotamus. Inflate? Yes, no question: there is a behemoth, competently train 1-2 hours 3 times a week. This foundation is a simple side of life.

What is the difficulty?

The settings of each individual organism. Now we will have a subtle psychological turn: imagine that you are in your favorite game on the position of the linear unit. You will live there, according to the rules of this game, with its laws. If this game is the possibility to fly, you can achieve this, if the original can not swim, then, alas, "spent"))

What if everyone in this game is to think of his own head? Add to that more sophisticated mechanisms like biological laws. Birth and death, neurotransmitters that are produced, depending on how you act with other characters. The genetic code, which is transmitted from parents to children. Height, body type, talent, intellectual ability.

Here you can add features such as the psychology of our game. One and the same person can cause irritation and admiration, even more! One and the same act is capable of it. The same brand of mobile phones may enrage and be loved.

Life is a game!

And there are many different substances in this game, that change your settings "by default". It seems mysterious and interesting. These myriad substances. Opioid drugs can cause pleasure, change system settings, but, say, heroin addicts live an average of 2-4 years, so bad they change the settings. Nootropics, make the brain work better, by nootropics do not die, it would seem a plus, but suffer liver and kidney. Anabolic steroids make man more man, they are also not die, although they knock hormones and negative effect on the liver.

All of this speaks to the fact that there are no substances that only positively change these settings. Only a positive effect on the body has a light and medium physical activity, and good food. If you want to go beyond what your inherent nature, then there will be minuses.
Now it is too early to judge the impact of such interventions, but they just need to be.

Basic moments

Taking Nootropic drugs (Piracetam, Cogitum, Semax, Noopept, Phenotropil, Cerebrolysin) longer read the contraindications and fewer side effects. Our psychology can make you believe that will be caused drowsiness or irritability. Remember that even the written ascorbic acid has its own side effects.

It is advisable once a year guzzle hepato-protectors, if you really love tablets. Who knows how strong is your kidneys and liver. One can have all the years in a row and did not know the problem, the other in a few years will detect any sore with these bodies.

Before use, what else, women should think about 2 times more. Especially at a young age. Nootrops are so little studied and, on the background of the whole of human history, there is not so long ago, some 50 years, and the impact on the fetus, studies are lacking. And then more risk than benefit.

How to help nootropics work better

If Nootrops make the brain work, to help them, it is necessary to support the work of the brain. With all due respect to conked-out old car, but if you put the engine from Ferrari at it, then it would not go as a sports car, even if you go, you will burn the brakes or wheel unscrew.
With the brain is the same, will have all garbage - consider worthless pour fuel. Whatever steep nootropics you can not find - at bad as the other systems of the body, there will be little sense. Despite the fact that our body is much more flexible than a car and can long endure a bad way of life, there are certain laws that gives the body and mind benefit, and that the damage.

To break through the ceiling of their genetic intellectual capacity, to say the genes, so and so, "you do not meet my expectations" - upgrade all systems, not just piracetam and reading books.

As for other drugs - should not take nootropics with antidepressants. If you do not understand what it is - so do not take))

About nootropic effects

After all the above described, it is easier to understand why one person or that nootrop not act or acts like something is wrong, or too well. There are many variables: lifestyle, diet, age, even while taking supplements and environment and make the experience a slightly different effect of the action on the brain. And how important are also the very same individual settings. Genetics, Psychology, hormones - all different.

Ie, the direction in nootropic actions may be true, for example, glycine, will in any case cause sedation, no one eats to cheer, but the depth of sedation, each different. This is a catch! Find right supplement, the exact dosage and time of receipt.

Bottom line:

  • each organism is unique metabolism, hormones, genes and other features;
  • taking nootropics, we are changing the setting of "Default" within our system;
  • As is known, when a PC configuration changes, the system remains the same, it is in any case change, the question is whether it will be better or worse after modifications
  • awake the brain, it is necessary upgrade all systems of the body, on the foundation of a barn one does not built skyscraper, even you got good construction materials. 

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