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About the surprises of the brain, the subconscious and the psyche

12 Jul 2017

1. The brain is a mysterious powerful thing, which for some reason we for some reason call "my brain". For this we have absolutely no basis: who is whose - is a separate issue.

2. The brain makes a decision 30 seconds before the person realizes this decision. 30 seconds is a huge period of time for brain activity. So who does in the end decide: a person or his brain?

3. Really a frightening thought - but who is actually the master in the house? There are too many of them: a genome, a psychosomatic type, a lot of other things, including receptors. I would like to know who this decision-making creature is? About the subconscious in general, no one knows anything, better close this topic immediately.

4. We must take our brains seriously. After all, he is deceiving us. Remember about hallucinations. The person who sees them can not be persuaded that they do not exist. For him they are as real as for me a glass that stands on this table. The brain brakes his head, giving all the sensory information that the hallucination is real.

So what are our grounds for believing that what is happening now is real, and not inside our hallucination?

5. That you are not torn from the inside, you need to talk. For this, there are confessors, girlfriends and psychotherapists. A splinter, if not removed in time, will arrange blood poisoning. People who are silent and keep everything in themselves are not only under serious psychological or even psychiatric risk, but also at the risk of somatics. Any professional with me will agree: everything will start with a stomach ulcer. The body is one - both the psyche and the body.

6. People should work their heads, it saves the brain. The more it is on, the longer it is saved. Natalia Bekhtereva wrote shortly before leaving for the best world of the scientific work "Smart live long". Semax nasal drops, Cerebrolysin also saves the brain.

7. Opening can not be done according to plan. True, there is a significant addition: they come to prepared minds. You see, Mendeleev's table did not dream of his cook. He worked on it for a long time, the brain continued to think, and simply "snapped" in a dream. I say this: Mendeleev's table was terribly tired of this story, and she decided to come to him in all its glory.

8. People have wrong attitudes, they think that, for example, a cook is worse than a conductor. This is not true: the ingenious cook will block all the conductors, I tell you how gourmet I am. To compare them all the same as sour and square - the question is wrongly posed. Everyone is good in their place.

9. I always frighten everyone by the fact that the time is not far off when artificial intelligence recognizes itself as a kind of individuality. At this moment, he will have his own plans, his motives, his goals, and, I assure you, we will not enter into this sense.

10. The fact that the brain was in our skull, does not give us the right to call it "my". It is incomparably more powerful than you. "Do you mean that the brain and I are different?" You ask. I answer: yes. We do not have power over the brain, he makes the decision himself. And this puts us in a very delicate situation. But the mind has one trick: the brain itself makes all decisions, generally does everything itself, but sends a signal to the person - you supposedly do not worry, it's all you did, it was your decision.

11. For the existence of geniuses we pay a huge price. Nervous and mental disorders rank first among the world's diseases, they outstrip the number of oncology and cardiovascular diseases, which is not only a horror and a nightmare, but, among other things, a very large dynamic burden for all developed countries.

12. We are born with a powerful computer in mind. But it needs to install programs. Some programs are already in it, but some need to be uploaded, and you rock your whole life until you die. He pumps it all the time, you change all the time, rebuild.

13. The brain is not just a neural network, it is a network of networks, a network of networks of networks. In the brain, 5.5 petabytes of information is three million hours of viewing video. Three hundred years of continuous viewing!

14. The brain does not live like Professor Dowell's head, on a plate. He has a body - ears, hands, feet, skin, because he remembers the taste of lipstick, remembers what it means "itchs heel." The body is its immediate part. The computer does not have this body.

15. The ability to get a high-grade education can become an elitist privilege, accessible only to "initiates." Let us recall Umberto Eco, who suggested in the novel "The Name of the Rose" that only those who can, who are ready to perceive complex knowledge, be admitted to the Library. There will be a division into those who will be able to read complex literature, and those who read the signs, who so clip-shaped enough information from the Internet. It will expand more and more

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