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About the benefits of an isotonic drink!

20 Oct 2016

Exercise is typically associated with a loss of fluid. Sweat indicates that we are working hard, but more than that - it is a warning signal of a possible dehydration. Dehydration leads to loss of activity, general weakness, fatigue, and in some cases injuries. To avoid potential problems, you need to replenish lost fluids with water or isotonic drink.

Isotonic drinks quickly restore the fluid in the body reserves lost in sweat allocation during sports. They are a source of carbohydrate energy returning and contain little sodium in the form of common salt, which improves the absorption of fluid by the body.

If you weigh 70 kg and 1 exercise an hour a day, losing to then 1 kg of weight, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water or isotonic drink to compensate for fluid loss.

Weigh yourself before and after training to know how much water your body needs. Do not weigh yourself too often in the process of weight loss, but to determine the amount of fluid required it will not hurt. It is better to use a digital scale: they give the most accurate reading.

Weigh before training aerobics, having his clothes as little as possible. Your weight in kilograms is equal to ________.

Then, after a workout, Weigh again - and again for you to be as little clothing as possible. Now is your weight in kilograms is equal to _______.

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Then, after a workout, Weigh again - and again for you to be as little clothing as possible. Now is your weight in kilograms is equal to _______.

Subtract your weight after a workout on your weight before training. Multiply the resulting difference by 1.5. The result will be the number of liters of water that you need to restore the fluid in the body.

For example:

weight up to 70 kg =

after weight = 69.5 kg

the difference (weight loss) = 0.5 kg (500 g)

Multiply 500 g 1,5 = 750 ml of water to drink.

It is not recommended to drink plenty of water immediately - it can even be life threatening. It is necessary to drink the liquid slowly. There is a disease called "water intoxication" or hyponatremia (low plasma sodium concentration). Those most at risk are long-distance runners, as they lose a significant amount of salt in sweat. If the drink more water than necessary blood plasma (one of blood or liquids) increases in volume and electrolytes (salts) are diluted in the blood, thereby reducing the amount of salt indispensable for certain organs such as the brain, heart, and muscle.

Weighing before and after exercise eliminates the risk of hyponatremia. Drink water slowly during exercise, immediately after them, and gradually throughout the remainder of the day.

It is not necessary, of course, to exaggerate the risk of this disease, because usually people do not drink enough water even during normal, not very active day.

Tips to rebuild the stock of liquid in the body

  • Drink about 250 ml of fluid before exercise.
  • Always drink a little water or isotonic drink during exercise.
  • Recover lost fluids as soon as possible (but not immediately!) After a workout.
  • Most of the liquids takes 15 minutes to fully absorb the body.
  • Try to drink 500 ml immediately after a serious workout, but do not drink more than 500 ml per hour.
  • Drink what you like, but excluding alcoholic beverages, beverages containing caffeine, tea or coffee, which are unacceptable for the recovery of body fluids.
  • All of us sweat differently. Is not equal to the other, use only their own personal changes in weight to determine your desired amount of liquid.
  • Isotonic drinks before, during and after exercise to help restore water and salt in the body and provide additional energy due to the content of carbohydrates.
  • Those who exercise regularly need to control fluid loss during exercise.
  • The minutes of rest in between playing sports isotonic drink a little liquid.

Restoring water supplies in the body requires not only athletes, but also to any person.

Remember that the human body is two-thirds consists of water, even the bones contain 20% water. The brain and muscle tissues - water by 75%.

Alcohol, coffee and tea - it is diuretics, meaning they cause water to leave the body. Therefore, in order to return to normal operation and to compensate the lost energy as quickly as possible, should restore the supply of liquid other beverages. Drinking beer or a cup of tea or coffee after a workout, be sure to supplement them a glass of water

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