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About insulin-like growth factor and insulin

18 Apr 2017

The fat burning properties of IGF-1 result from the fact that it blocks the transport of insulin glucose through the cell membranes, thus forcing the body to switch to an alternative energy source - fat. However, clenbuterol (to a lesser extent) and metformin (to a greater extent - not only in relation to clenbuterol, but also to IGF-1) do the same. In my opinion, the combination of clenbuterol with metformin is superior in strength (meaning burning fat) to insulin-like growth factor. At the same time, growth hormone can significantly increase the fat burning effect of IGF-1 (most likely due to a significant prolongation of the half-life of IGF-1). You can also like Semax.

Blocking the transport of glucose through the membranes of muscle fibers also has a downside - glycogen stores in muscles quickly run out and do not replenish, which ultimately leads to a visual reduction in muscle size and a very specific loss of endurance. In order to eliminate these unpleasant consequences, in parallel with injections of IGF-1 injections of insulin are made. In the "every other day" scheme (insulin injections are made simultaneously with IGF-1 injections every second day), there is no decrease in endurance, and with daily injections, endurance is even increased (which, however, is largely to "write off" the action of insulin). In these cases, there is no visual reduction in the size of the muscles (their mass), injections "every other day" even gave a slight increase in muscle mass, although not as significant as one would expect.

It is also believed that insulin somewhat prolongs the half-life of IGF-1, but I do not think that it is so significant to talk about it seriously. It would be interesting to experiment with daily injections of insulin-like growth factor and insulin injections 1-2 times a week. It would be possible to include in this scheme also growth hormone (injections according to the scheme "every other day" or 3 times a week). We will definitely conduct such an experiment.

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