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About harm of dietary supplements

30 Nov 2016

Dietary supplements  including multivitamins, minerals, vegetable additives, can be noxious to health as has shown the analysis of scientists from the Center of control and prevention of diseases of the USA (FDA). As dietary medicines aren't subject to obligatory certification, influence on a human body of the ingredients which are a part of additives is poorly studied.

During the research scientists have analysed the data provided by 63 hospitals, collected from 2004 to 2013. It has turned out that complications and the harm done by dietary supplements, force people to ask for medical care about 23000 times a year. Almost at 2000 people of a problem turn out so serious that they need hospitalization.

"Attention" the New research confirms that the natural origin of additive doesn't guarantee its safety for health!

Results of research

  • 28% of young people aged from 20 up to 30 years noted deterioration in a condition in case of administration of drugs for weight loss (the man 3 times more often than women)
  • 26% of cases are connected with the accidental use of medicines by children
  • 9% of addresses were connected with the harm done to cardiovascular system. Among the cardiovascular diseases which handled symptoms:
  • 50% accepted sports additives in case of occupations bodybuilding
  • 46% accepted energy products
  • 43% of people accepted medicines for weight reduction
  • 37% used additives for increase in a libido

Besides, many of dietary supplements contain the substances forbidden to the use.

Age categories

Andrew Geller (Andrew I. Geller) explains that among addressed there were people of different age, however most often young people aged from 20 up to 34 years suffered from consequences of acceptance of dietary supplements. They are more often than others suffer from excess weight and accept various means for its decrease. Also young people more often than representatives of other age groupes used the toning and energy medicines containing caffeine. The excessive use of such means caused tachycardia and breast pain.

Children are younger than 5 years suffered from overdose of multivitamins more often, and elderly people had problems when swallowing tablets. Heart troubles were quite often caused by the use of means for increase in sexual activity and sports additives in adults.

In Russia at the end of September, 2015 sale of dietary supplement for a men's potentiality was suspended. By results of examination it turned out that additives contain active ingredient of viagra. Please pay attention to Kartalaks.

Purity and safety of additives

The athletes and people working with them pay the greatest attention to purity and safety of additives in this connection the great number of producer companies of sports food and additives invest large sums in programs for the certificate of quality of their products. For example, NSF Certified for Sport which was acknowledged as National Football League (NFL), Association of Players of National Football League (NFLPA), the Main League of Baseball (MLB), Association of Players of the Main League of Baseball (MLBPA), Association of Professional Players of Golf (PGA), Women's Professional Association of Golf (LPGA), and also the Canadian Association of Sports Ethics (CCES), guarantees that the participating companies of this program provide proper purity of their products, compliance of the made goods to state standards and necessary level of safety of the made additives. The list of sports additives which were approved by NSF can be found on the website. NSF is a global independent organization of health care which main goal is protection of health of the person and ensuring its safety worldwide. It is considered that NSF is the best example of the third party providing this or that testing. NSF independently developed the American National Standard (NSF/ANSI 173) regulating impact on an organism and safety of nutritious additives. Sports additives shall be tested in the strictest way on compliance to requirements of the NSF/ANSI 173 standard which includes:

  • Check on availability of the forbidden substances (availability more than 180 substances forbidden by the World Anti-Doping Agency, National Football League and the Main League of Baseball is checked);
  • Check on compliance of structure and packaging of sports additive (the list of substances specified on the label shall match the valid content of additive);
  • Check on toxicity of additive;
  • Check on availability of impurity in additive;
  • Check of the plant (factory) of the producer (the production process of additive is at the same time checked, and also production check on use of the forbidden substances is performed).

Due to special attention concerning athletes concerning use of banned drugs, most likely, that the similar programs which are engaged in independent testing of sports additives will exist and in the near future. Moreover, there is a hope that to an exit to a counter all sports additives will shall pass similar test without fail. The anti-doping Agency of the USA developed the list of requirements to the companies which wish to be engaged in these activities:

  • There is no conflict of interest;
  • There is an accreditation from other persons / organizations;
  • Audit is booked according to the practice entered by Management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (USFDA);
  • Assessment of dietary additives on safety and quality in general is carried out;
  • The approved and accredited method of testing for availability of the forbidden substances is available.

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