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Creator of Meldonium: WADA will allow the drug after the Olympics

16 Aug 2016

Professor Ivar Kalvins is sure that WADA removes Mildronate from the list of banned drugs

Inventor of Meldonium, Latvian scientist Ivar Kalvins, assured reporters that the World Anti-Doping Agency permit its preparation soon after the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

International sports functionaries are allowed to use Meldonium (Mildronate) shortly after the Olympic Games in Rio, says the creator of the drug Latvian scientist Ivars Kalvins. He is convinced that his invention Mildronate is a drug that could save the lives of athletes, experiencing enormous stress, and it is not doping.

Kalvins is well aware that WADA decision adopted by January 1, 2016, to bring his invention to the Prohibited List was a purely political one. All doping scandal had been organized with only one purpose - to put pressure on Russia. Officials are well aware that the drug was approved for use mainly in the former Soviet Union. In the West, it has its counterparts, but they do not fall under the ban.

As a result of dishonest political games, the Russian sports maligned and dismissed competitors to participate in the Olympic Games, said Kalvins. It was completely disqualified the Russian national team in athletics. Of the 387 people of the Olympic team for the Games in Rio admitted only 270 Russian athletes.

Such actions of WADA officials were not only incompetent but also subjected to risk the lives of many athletes who have lost because of the ban the possibility to apply the necessary and effective drug. Ivar Kalvins intends to defend the harmlessness of the drug court. Meeting with representatives of the academic WADA scheduled for September 2016.

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