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Using Growth Hormone

20 Oct 2017

Growth hormone, or Somatotropin is a biologically active substance synthesized by the cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Its main action is to stimulate linear growth, enhance synthesis and prevent the breakdown of the protein. In this article, we will look at how the use of the Growth Hormone, obtained by genetic engineering with the help of recombinant DNA, is reflected in the human body, and in what areas it is used.

Use of Growth Hormone in Medicine

The active use of the Growth Hormone, synthesized using Inclusion Body Technology, was started in 1985. Since then, recombinant Somatotropin, identical in composition and effects to the pituitary, is one of the most reliable hormonal drugs, and for many years has maintained sales leadership worldwide. It has found its application as a therapeutic agent in clinical medicine, in cosmetology and in sports practice.

For medical reasons, GH is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Congenital and acquired STH deficiency;
  • Delay and impaired growth in children;
  • Trainer's syndrome;
  • Progressive renal failure;
  • Hypoglycemia, not associated with pancreatic tumors;
  • Depletion in AIDS (in this situation, the use of Growth Hormone is justified as a substitute drug);
  • Deficiency of STH in adults.

Use of growth hormone for non-medical purposes

Recombinant Somatotropin, which has a directional selective effect, has found its wide application in sports pharmacology, thanks to the following effects:

  • Stimulation of muscle and bone growth;
  • Increase of power indicators;
  • Acceleration of metabolism;
  • Burning of ballast fat;
  • Rapid recovery of the body after injuries;
  • Strengthening of immunity;
  • Improvement of sleep and cognitive functions;
  • Increased sexual activity;
  • Rejuvenation and weight normalization.

In order for the use of the Growth Hormone to be effective and effective, and the drug has proved itself to its fullest, it is necessary to consult a sports doctor before taking it, which will help to choose the exact dosage that is not more than rational, and also to eat and train properly.

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HGH for ligaments and joints

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