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Usage of Growth Hormone

06 Oct 2017

The use of the Growth Hormone in bodybuilding practice is a win-win technique that allows achieving a pronounced anabolic and anti-catabolic effect within a relatively short period of time, strengthening bone tissues, and "filling up" with water to the limit. However, for this purpose, it is necessary to follow clearly the recommendations regarding the method of application and dosage of the preparation.

Recommendations for the use of the Growth Hormone

Course use of the Growth Hormone is recommended for bodybuilders who want to build up lean muscle mass and at the same time reduce the fatty layer. This substance, in comparison with anabolic steroids, has a minimal amount of side effects and does not adversely affect the potency. That is why every year it is gaining increasing popularity among weightlifters. But, since the Growth Hormone follows a fairly long course (3-4 months), it is first necessary to consult a sports doctor and carefully study the instructions attached to the drug.

Useful tips for the course use of growth hormone:

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, injections "put" on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before meals;

The most optimal time interval between injections is 4 hours;

The use of the Growth Hormone requires the introduction of a large amount of protein in the daily diet (2-3 g per 1 kg of body weight) with a minimum of carbohydrates;

To stop the process of protein breakdown in muscles, the first injection should be done immediately after awakening, and the second - after training.

Growth Hormone Dosage

Recombinant growth hormone is a genetically modified drug that is released in the form of a lyophilized powder for injections, packaged in vials. They indicate the amount (in mg or ED). For convenience of use, this ratio is calculated by the formula: 1 mg of the substance = 3 ED. To dilute the powder, a special bactericidal or sterile water for injections (1-2 ml) is used as the solvent. It should be administered with a conventional disposable syringe, very slowly, along the wall of the vial, without shaking or stirring.

Daily dosage of Growth Hormone for increasing muscle mass are 5 (first 7-10 days), and then 10 units (this number is divided by 2 applications). To increase the strength and stimulate the fat burning process, 4 ED will suffice, however, at such a dose it will not be possible to gain muscle mass.

The course of Hormone Growth, in order to achieve the maximum anabolic effect, should last at least 3-4 months. Longer use of the drug may provoke addiction and cause the development of negative side effects.

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