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Sustanon 100

29 Dec 2016

Sustanon 100 is the low-dosed option of sustanon 250 from the Organon Company, isn't made since 2009. As well as in the main version, in this medicine several air, both fast and slow action is used. But in this version of sustanon there is no "long" air of testosterone of dekanoat that in principle didn't affect properties of medicine in any way, it still has longer time of absorption, than tsipionat or enantat. You can also like Prostalamin.

100 contains in one milliliter of sustanon:

  • 20 mg of testosterone of propionate
  • 40 mg of testosterone of fenilpropionat
  • 40 mg of testosterone of izokapronat

Everything that it is possible to tell to enantat, tsipionat or sustanon 250, it is possible to tell also to sustanon 100. A regular dose for men: 200-600mg in a week. All positive and negative properties are equal to that of enantat.

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