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Semax: FAQ

21 Dec 2016

Question: I would like to clarify about the words of instruction that "the presence of chemically incompatible combinations are not supposed to": that is, it can be safely taken together (simultaneously) with, for example, Ladasten (adamantilfenilamin) / Phenibut (aminofenilmaslyanaya acid), Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam) and so on ?

Answer: That's right, a simultaneous reception is possible.
Semax is not affect the structure (not enter into chemical reactions) and on the metabolism of other drugs in the body.

Semax dosage

Question: What happens if you take Semax with psychotropic substances such as stimulants or hallucinogens? For example, Piracetam slightly enhances the action of these substances.

Answer: Hallucinogens violate stimulants significantly alter neurotransmitter background in certain brain structures. With the introduction of these changes will Semax leveled. Therefore, we can expect reduction action and enhance positive hallucinogens stimulant actions (increasing efficiency) due to their reduced side effects (e.g., negative impact on the cardiovascular system).

Question: Is it possible to take Semax with Phenibut? What will be the effect?

Answer: Yes, nothing prevents combine Semax even with Phenibut, though what else - Semax does not interact with other medications taken through the gastrointestinal tract.
The idea is that the effect will be amplified and Semax and Phenibut (and side "depressing" effect phenibut will be reduced).

Question: I do not know what Semax is. But workout for the brain produces serious results.

Answer: Workout for the brain with Semax gives a more pronounced results than without Semax.

Question: But still I am interested in the effect of Semax under the nose of debt. Not from mucus, like a cold, but as with inflammation of the maxillary sinus. As in the sinus.

Answer: as I understand, there is mucus, and is "stuffy" nose. If so, that the absorption of Semax buy should proceed without problems, and the effect becomes.

Question: I'd really like to get an answer about the use of the Semax drug in the nasal debt. Since vasoconstrictor drops Naphazoline type to use for instruction not recommend. What to do in this case?

Answer: I'm at a cold does not drip Semax, first treat it :)
But if you do not work, then try to clear your nose as much as possible, clear nose, rinse with water, etc. And then just drop Semax and watch what effect.

Question: and that all would be if together with it to use some drops with vasoconstrictor, such as the same Naphazoline? Not at the same time of course) and a little later after the drip Semax? What will be the effect in this case? Indication? Or some Side effects? The instruction simply says that we should not, why and what is not written. Well I knew) but I think that's - the effect will be less, or it is not at all? Because the degree of narrowing of blood vessels can not determine exactly, and the digestibility of the drug in this case, I can not know all the more)
A drip just started. Plus I drink some more nootropics, so to say exactly what works and what does not - can not)

Answer: as I understand, vasoconstrictor drops reduce the absorption of the substance with the mucosa. so that in an extreme case will simply be a minimal effect on Semax, he simply can not normally get into the bloodstream)

Question: Tell me, what the duration of the course, how much ml. necessary for the course, and what is the price?

Answer: It depends on the application. How healthy people to improve memory, attention and mental capacity, then Semax 0.1% to 3 drops in each nostril 2 times a day, a course of 10 days. Courses can be conducted 1 year 2-4. In mL. -. 6 ml, ie two vials on the course, provided that you do not spill (as happens with beginners). There is still a single dose for one-time increase efficiency. To do this, "Semax 0,1%" drip 3 drops in each nostril 2 times in the morning with an interval of 15 minutes, additionally desirable 3rd day of taking the drug, for example, in the afternoon.
Price depends on the pharmacy, look on the internet (for example, Internet pharmacies –
We use it ourselves and unite such people grow old, they like the natural effect of Semax as well as help others - to share their experiences and tell the application what we know about Semax.

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