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Quality of Growth Hormone

21 Aug 2017

At the present time, when the pharmaceutical market is literally flooded with drugs, active ingredient of which is recombinant Somatropin, the quality of growth hormone is considered to be a very topical problem. In a variety of different names ordinary ordinary man is difficult to understand, and yet, we will try to "separate the wheat from the chaff" and focus on the most high-quality products.

What determines the quality of HGH

Growth hormone is a biologically active substance that can not be synthesized in artisanal conditions, without going through a complete technological cycle. At present, there are 3 ways of obtaining this polypeptide:

From the pituitary body of a human corpse (this method is prohibited due to the presence of a large number of side effects);

Synthetic route (antibodies can be produced to the GH thus obtained);

From modified cells of the coli bacteria (recombinant hormone is most in demand and enjoys record popularity).

To date, about 75% of the anabolic drugs sold in the post-Soviet space are counterfeit. However, even genuine Somatropin can be of poor quality. The main indicator determining the quality of the Growth Hormone is the degree of purification of the drug from related proteins, which in this case are the products of the E. coli. Insufficient refining can provoke the production of antibodies, which significantly weakens, and after a while and completely stops the effect of the drug.

The quality Growth Hormone, which has undergone a complete purification procedure, "contributes" to the formation of less than 2% of antibodies. To clarify this indicator, after some time after the injection, it is recommended to take a blood test and determine the level of somatomedine (IGF-1). The lower it is, the more powerful the production of antibodies.

An equally important quality index is the percentage of water in the powder for injection (it should not exceed 3%), as well as the direct amount of the active ingredient. Unfortunately, unscrupulous manufacturers very often practice to indicate on the label the number (4ED, 8ED, 10ED, etc.), 1.5-2 times higher than the real one.

Quality preparations of growth hormone

Quality Growth Hormone is a certified drug that has received a state license. Most of the products sold in our market are produced in China. According to its pharmacological properties, it is not much inferior to the GR of European manufacturers, but, at the same time, it is cheaper at times (cheap labor of hands affects).

To date, certificates have the following drugs:

  • Ansomon (Anhui Anke Biotechnology Co., Ltd., China)
  • Jintropine (Gensci Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., China);
  • Dinatrop (Dynamic Development Laboratories, Iran).

If you want to acquire a really high-quality Growth Hormone, you should give preference to serious, proven manufacturers. Reliable, self-respecting brands implement special programs to protect products from counterfeits (holographic stickers, tamper detection labels, hot stamping holograms, test stickers with unique numbers, which allow identifying counterfeit, seals with hidden images, etc.).

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