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Peptide TB-500

10 Aug 2017


Thymosine Beta 4 is a synthetic peptide analogue that is found in almost all human cells and includes 44 amino acids. The main and most powerful action is the ability to quickly heal sports injuries and micro-traumas received in training, as well as reduce the physiological stress resulting from extremely intense sports. That is why the TB-500 peptide (still can be called TB-500) is productively used in pre-competitive training, in order to quickly recruit and, not least, to maintain the athlete's best shape.

In addition to rapid improvement in shape after illness or damage, it also positively affects most sports performance:

• endurance,

• mobility of joints,

• force (especially high-speed),

• ligament extensibility.

It is curious that initially this drug was used on horse races, where it exerted a huge influence on the results of the competitions.

Thymosine Beta 4 allows:

• quickly and noticeably increase strength and endurance;

• Weaken muscle spasms, improve muscle tone;

• improve the metabolism, ensure the supply of nutrients to all cells;

• accelerate tissue repair, enhance immunity;

• positively affect connective tissues, improve flexibility, mobility of joints and reduce their inflammation;

• increase the sensitivity of body tissues to the hormone IGF-1;

• Improve blood supply to the muscles and increase the growth of blood vessels in the muscles, increase the number of red blood cells (red blood cells).

In medicine, TB-500 can quickly recover after receiving myocardial infarction and enhance the effect of treating ischemic heart diseases.

Instructions and dosage: how to take?

TB-500 for injections must be previously dissolved in special water for injection - sterile or bactericidal. One bottle is usually taken 2 ml of water. Both the diluted and dry peptide should be stored in the refrigerator at 2-8 ° C. A solution made with the use of sterile water can be stored for 6-7 days, and when used bactericidal - up to 3 weeks.

The TB-500 course includes several phases:

1.Zagruzochnuyu, stage 1. Within 1 week, you need to make 5 injections of the drug at 2 mg, ultimately only using 10 mg.

2.Loading, stage 2: lasts 5 weeks. We inject 5 mg with 2 injections (each 2.5 mg each) for each week.

3.Support: 5 weeks, we inject 2 mg of the drug once a week.

Experience of usage and feedback

Some athletes during the competition use TB-500 as doping, which improves power performance. 100% of the drug is a drug-free medication, but its use as a doping is risky enough, because the blood can detect TB-500 by liquid chromatography.

The peptide side effects are not detected even in dosages that are many times higher than recommended. But it should be taken into account that increasing the dosage rarely leads to an increase in the effect of the peptide.

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