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Peptide Melanotan 2

25 Aug 2017

Peptide Melanotan-2: Description

Melanotan 2 is a synthetic analogue of the hormone melanocortin. It allows a person to sunbathe, regulates the process of producing melatonin - the same pigment that gives the skin a golden-chocolate beautiful shade.

This drug is a stable version of a hormone with a longer half-life than a natural one. A number of European countries, melanotan are productively used as a protective agent, which reduces sensitivity to sunlight and reduces the risk of obtaining ultraviolet irradiation (for example, it may be relevant at the risk of developing solar urticaria, melanoma, and other diseases in which sunlight is extremely harmful ). In everyday life, it perfectly protects against burning.

Among the models, athletes and public figures, this drug has proved to be a really effective tool for safe and, not least, quick tanning.

An additional pleasant bonus of this peptide is its ability to enhance libido, and therefore improve the sexual life of men and women. A number of studies have shown that after a total of 2 hours after the first injection, there is a marked increase in craving. Also, Melanotan 2 is also relevant when consuming a fat burning course, because it greatly reduces appetite.

How to use Melanotan 2: instructions, dosage

It is used in the form of completely painless and simple hypodermic injections. For injections, the preparation must be diluted with bactericidal or sterile water: 2 ml of water per bottle.

Dosage: 1 kg of weight should be taken - 10 μg of substance. Thus, a person weighing 100 kg should inject 1 mg (1000 μg) per day with a single injection. The appearance of the first results is to be expected after 1-3 weeks, depending on how frequent are the trips to the solarium or the time spent in the sun.

In this dosage, Melanotan 2 can be used until the desired skin tone is achieved.

To maintain results, you can inject regularly 1-2 times a week. At the same time, many simply enough to sunbathe every day. Keep the dry or ready solution in the refrigerator, the temperature in which is 2-8 ° C. It is possible to freeze the solution, but only once, frequent freezing / defrosting reduces its effectiveness.

Melanotan-2: usage experience, feedback

According to the reviews, a good result is guaranteed only in the presence of skin contact with ultraviolet radiation. It is possible to get a light tan without the sun, but the effect of the drug in this case will not be so pronounced.

Side effects and contraindications

If you follow the recommended dose of Melanotan 2, no side effects have been identified. If the dosage is exceeded, nausea may occur, redness at the injection site, the appearance of dark spots on the skin (as a rule, disappear upon completion of the drug).

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