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Peptide MGF

10 Aug 2017


MGF or mechanical muscle growth factor is an "IGF-1" isomer (insulin-like growth factor 1). In fact, this drug is an activator of muscle stem cells and promotes increased growth, as well as accelerated recovery of muscle tissue after training.

MGF-peptide is considered to be the best assistant in building quality dry muscle mass.

The basic functions of mechanical growth factor of endogenous type include the following aspects:

• stimulation of regeneration of muscle cells;

• protein synthesis;

• stimulation of restorative processes in damaged tissues and their growth.

Either way, with age, our body loses its ability to use its own resource MGF, so effective growth of muscles requires replenishment from outside. Meanwhile, even at a young age, MGF-peptide in sufficient quantity can be formed only under the condition of very heavy physical loads, which cause extensive damage to the muscle fiber.

In comparison with the growth hormones produced in the pituitary gland, as well as the insulin-like growth factor, the production of which occurs in the liver, MGF is produced directly in the muscles.

It is noted that MGF peptides have a very positive effect on:

• level of energy;

• promote the healing of injuries and wounds;

• improve the memory and quality of sleep immune system and skin condition.

The half-life of the drug lasts only 1-5 minutes.

Usage, dosage, instructions

The usual dosage of MGF is 1-2 mcg per kg of body weight 1-3 times a day.

The frequency of injections and dose depend primarily on the intensity and frequency of training: the more you do, the more MGF is required for the body to explosively grow and quickly repair muscle tissue. With this mode, the drug should be taken 2-4 weeks, then you need to pause for at least a week.

Experienced athletes can use MGF to correct lagging muscle groups. In this case, the administration of the preparation in an amount up to 250 μg is required directly to the target muscle zone immediately after its training.

The daily dosage should not exceed 1000 mcg per day, and the course should be 2-3 weeks. Most often for the form of MGF with a short half-life, the second regimen is recommended, since the overall growth of muscle mass can be much inferior to the results of point correction of volume and muscle strength.

The peptide should be stored in the refrigerator, under temperature conditions not lower than two and not more than eight degrees Celsius.

The effect of using a mechanical growth factor is often compared to the effect of HGH peptides, but MGF causes a slightly less pronounced fat burning. The best combinations of the drug with peptides of the group GHRP GHRP-2, GHRP-6, Hexarelin, Ipamorelin.

Side effects and contraindications

Possible damage to the heart muscle with intense physical exertion. However, without physical activity, the MGF peptide, on the contrary, protects the myocardium from damage. In addition, in the presence of tumors of the prostate gland, the peptide can provoke their growth.

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