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Peptide IGF-1 LR3

12 Oct 2017

Description of the hormone

IGF-1 Long R3 is obtained from IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1), which is present in every human body and is a metabolite of GH. It is IGF-1 that regulates the growth, division and life cycle of cells, including cells of joints, muscles, nerve cells and others.

Its anabolic effect is associated with an increase in the level of nutrients that enter the cell, as well as an increase in protein synthesis. The drug is extremely powerful anabolic activity, and that androgenic activity, which is associated with an excess of testosterone, is absent.

IGF-1 increases the metabolism of amino acids, increases the production of protein and slows its decay, which is especially important for muscle growth, the effect of hyperplasia, in other words, the accelerated process of cell division, which is impossible without special preparations. Pure IGF-1 is characterized by a short period of action, which requires injections at least twice a day.

Another variant of IGF-1 Long R3 (attached acid residues of arginine) is characterized by a much longer duration of exposure, and the effect itself is two and a half or even three times higher than that of unmodified insulin-like FR-1. Its additional advantage is the rapid recovery after training and physical exertion - the time is reduced to several hours. But it's worth watching that short gaps in activity do not lead to complete depletion of glycogen.

Usage and dosage

• IGF-1 Long R3 is used intramuscularly, previously dissolving it in special water for injection (sterile or bactericidal), or in saline solution.

• You can do subcutaneous injections, however, then the effectiveness of the drug decreases, and discomfort may occur at injection sites.

• To achieve a quick and visible result, you should use this dosage: 1 kg of weight - 1 μg of drug per day. The minimum dose is about 30mkg.

• Daily intake is acceptable: before training, it is worthwhile injecting into the large muscles involved in the training. In this case, the dosage is up to 80 mkg.

• The course duration is effective from four to ten weeks. Longer use of the course is impossible, because over time the body produces antibodies to it.

• There should be a break between the courses - at least 4-6 weeks.

Feedback and usage experience

The monthly rate, according to bodybuilders, gives an increase in 2.5-3 kg of pure muscles. There are cases of an increase in the increase to 5.5-6.5 kg of muscles per month.

Among the most popular combinations: IGF-1 Long R3 + any GR = explosive growth of dry muscle mass.

Professionals use the combination of IGF-1 Long R3 + GR, insulin, testosterone and triiodothyranine productively (for example, Dorian Yeats - Mr. Olympia).

Contraindications and side effects

Very rarely, when using IGF-1 Long R3, minor swelling and a temporary increase in blood pressure, tunnel syndrome (stiffness and pain in the wrists) were observed.

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