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Peptide GHRP-2

07 Aug 2017

GHRP-2 - one of the most famous and extremely popular peptides, which have been repeatedly tested by the experience of bodybuilders. Numerous reviews of GHRP-2 indicate that it is one of the most popular drugs that increase muscle volume and stimulate the increase in strength.


The main function of GHRP-2 is the release of somatropin (a growth hormone), interacting with the hypothalamic and pituitary receptors.

Thus, the drug affects the growth of bone and muscle tissue, the development of body cells and human organs. Also, the peptide acts on the production of ghrelin (it is also called the "hunger hormone"), thereby increasing appetite, which simplifies compliance with a high-calorie and high-protein diet that supports anabolic processes.

In fitness and bodybuilding, GHRP-2 is productively used in order to:

• increase of strength,

• accelerating muscle growth,

• strengthening the immune system of the human body.

It also positively affects the overall appearance, improves the condition of hair and skin. The drug is effective, regardless of the physiological state and age of the person.

Dosage, how to take the peptide GHRP-2, instruction

There are 2 ways to apply GHRP-2 5mg:

1. For maximum effect, it is worthwhile to put subcutaneous injections.

2. Inside: under the tongue or between the gum and upper lip.

The small size of the molecules and the special structure of the drug make it possible to penetrate the blood through the mucous membrane, while the greater part of the efficiency is preserved. What is true, some of the effect is still lost, due to what injections are more recommended.

• The dosage of the peptide is calculated on 1kg of weight 1-2mkg 3 times a day. The optimal course duration is 2 months. Continuation of administration can cause immunity to GHRP-2 5 mg.

• The best time for injections is immediately after waking up in the morning, 40-60 minutes before eating, before going to bed or after a workout.

• The first noticeable effect can be observed already after 7-10 days after administration.

Store GHRP-2 in a refrigerator on the shelf, which is far from the freezer, at a temperature of 2-8 ° C. In dry form, the preparation can be stored for up to 5 years, the solution in bactericidal water remains suitable for use for 30 days after dilution. The shelf life of the finished solution in sterile water is much shorter.

Experience of usage and feedback

Still somewhere about 20 years ago, active research into the properties and potentialities of the peptide GHRP-2 began. They showed: it increases the indices of endogenous GH 7-15 times.

Achieving a powerful effect comes when combining GHRP-2 with other peptides, which have a similar effect, for example, with GHRP-6 or CJC-1295.

Important! You can mix peptides in one syringe, but you can not mix them in vials. In a separate article on the correct use of peptides, you can read about how to observe the dosage and dilute peptides.

Contraindications and side effects

The only side effect found in years of research is considered minor swelling or redness at the site of direct injections. No other negative health effects were observed. This peptide is absolutely safe.

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