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Painkiller Meds Pentalgin for Menstrual pain

23 May 2017

Menstrual pain

Many women during menstruation concerned about pain in the abdomen and / or lower back. Such a phenomenon in medicine is called dysmenorrhea. Pain may be almost imperceptible, does not deliver significant discomfort, and very strong, unbearable, do not pass even in a state of complete rest. Anyway, modern women can not afford such a forced and unpleasant "break" in the activity, because pain can permanently unsettle, making it difficult to work, relax and socialize with loved ones. Fortunately, there are modern means against menstrual pain, such as Pentalgin.

Painkiller Meds Pentalgin for Menstrual pain

What is menstrual pain?

Pelvic pain may occur either immediately before menses (several hours), and after the onset of menstruation. The pain may last from several hours to several days. However, it often radiates (spreads) to other areas: the front of the thighs, lower back, the vagina, the rectum.

Different menstrual cycles in the same woman may differ from each other: one - painless or with little discomfort, and another - with prolonged intense pain. More severe pain may occur after exposure to cold, an illness and stress.

Other symptoms of dysmenorrhea, which is often accompanied by pain in the abdomen, include:

nausea and vomiting;

headache, dizziness;

more frequent stools or changing its texture;

increase in body temperature to 37-38 ° C.

malaise, lethargy.

Why there is menstrual pain?

In the so-called primary dysmenorrhea pain during menstruation occur in apparently healthy women without gynecological diseases. This phenomenon is associated with increased uterine contractility under the action of the female sex hormones, as well as increased production of prostaglandins and irritating nociceptors enhancing spasm.

Also, there dysmenorrhea, which is caused by the pathology of the pelvic organs. So, menstrual cramps are often a symptom of gynecological diseases such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids, various inflammatory diseases, organ malformations (eg, bending or doubling of the uterus). That is why in case of pain during menstruation, especially strong and prolonged, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist. Only a specialist will be able to establish the true cause of the ailment and prescribe the best treatment.

Pentalgin against menstrual pain

Regardless of the cause of dysmenorrhea, for the relief of pain shows the use of drugs affecting muscle spasm and / or the production of prostaglandins. The use of a combined preparation Pentalgin can simultaneously influence to several mechanisms of pain in dysmenorrhea. The structure consists of 5 tablets Pentalgin well-studied components: naproxen, paracetamol, Drotaverinum, pheniramine and caffeine.

Naproxen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It reduces the production of prostaglandins, thereby acting on one of the major causes of pain in the uterus. Naproxen is excreted from the body for a long period, thereby providing lasting analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Impact on second main mechanism of pain in dysmenorrhea - spasm - ensures that Drotaverinum. This antispasmodic well known and widely used in clinical practice for many years.
The inclusion of Pentalgin central analgesic paracetamol can influence the perception of pain in the brain and on his own antinociceptive suppression system of our body. An important feature is the rapid development of paracetamol analgesic effect - as a rule, within half an hour after taking the drug.
Turning pheniramine and caffeine in the combined preparation due to their ability to enhance the analgesic effect of analgesics, which allows to reduce the dose of the individual components and thus reduce the risk of dose-related side effects.

Thanks to the carefully thought-out structure, which ensures the impact of the drug to several mechanisms of pain, Pentalgin able to help with dysmenorrhea of different backgrounds. The components of the drug have not only a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic effect that allows you to ease the condition in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, accompanied by an increase in temperature.

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