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PPAR-gamma activators

28 Nov 2016

Ñellular kernel floats in liquid cytoplasm in the manner of a crude egg yolk, and all its surface is covered with spots of the sensitive whites called by receptors. Through a cellular cover active agents (scientifically, ligands) which "are pasted" to the chosen receptor filter into cytoplasm and ingenerate the signal exciting the genes which are stored a kernel. Scientists ironically call "orphans" receptors which ligands are unknown. And so, from 200 types of the nuclear receptors known today to science, the majority is "orphan". Geneticists are whipping the cat. They already solved functions of many genes and if to them "key" was found, our life unrecognizably would be changed. Add some Oftalamin to your daily life.

Purposefully influencing genes, we would learn not to be ill, grew up newly the operated bodies and, perhaps, in general would cease to grow old. However, one small miracle already occurred. Scientists found the sensitive site which is connected with metabolism of fats on a kernel. More precisely, this receptor (PPAR-gamma is called) is connected to that part of a genome which operates destruction of subcutaneous fat on a body. If we knew what substance "is able" to influence PPAR-gamma receptor, we could create a unique fat loss. Present, you take a medicine, and in couple of days of fat on a body as didn't happen! Researchers say that they very soon will solve a riddle, and will create the activator (stimulator) PPAR-gamma, and so far accept fats an omega-3. It is known that from them grow thin. Such paradoxical effect of cod-liver oil is explained by the fact that it is capable to influence cellular genes.

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