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Omnadren-250 - the dosage, the pros and cons of the usage

06 Nov 2016

I think it is difficult enough to find pharmacological agents that would collect a large amount of negative feedback from bodybuilders and powerlifters, than Omnadren 250. In this article we will try to understand, if it is so terrible, this "monster".

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Pros of Omnadren

Composition Omnadren 250, in my opinion, is very interesting, because this drug is composed of four esters of testosterone:

  • Testosterone Phenylpropionate - 60 mg
  • Testosterone Propionate - 30 mg;
  • Testosterone Iso-hexanoate - 60 mg;
  • Testosterone Hexanoate - 100 mg.

Together, they provide not only 250mg per milliliter of the active substance, but also interact in such a manner that Omnadren can be considered one of the best preparations for increasing strength and muscle mass in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

  • 1.Presented in the preparation of testosterone esters have different switching speed of the work. Because of this, they will come into effect one after the other, resulting in the user's body is maintained constantly high level of testosterone. That is why Omnadren has a strong anabolic and androgenic effect, which is why when it is used there is a rapid increase in its own weight of an athlete and his athletic performance.
  • 2.The rapid growth is accompanied by significant water retention in the body that facilitates the movement of the joints.
  • 3.Besides accelerating the regeneration processes, increases appetite, which helps to recover after hard training.

So why are you such an effective preparation write and speak so much wrong with that? Try to understand.

Disadvantages of Omnadren

Firstly, it is the side effects are the same as that of testosterone propionate:

  • Acne;
  • Liver problems;
  • Increase pressure;
  • Gynecomastia, aggressiveness;
  • Water Retention;
  • Significant suppression of natural testosterone.

Second, it is the price and availability of Omnadren - 250. Yes, price and availability are the main drawback of this drug. The fact that the list of vital drugs includes Omnadren, and even today in difficult time Omnadren can be easily purchased in pharmacies. Especially in private pharmacies.

Needless to say that at this price, and "easy availability" Omnadren poured in liters. Some people stick of 8-10 ampoules per day, and this 2000-3000mg. of active ingredient.

It exceeded all reasonable limits dosages and causes the terrible acne, covering users of Omnadren almost from head to toe by uniform crust. And it is from such doses man "fills with water" to the swelling of the face and bags under the eyes.

And if Omnadren is taken along with other AAS? It turns out that having used a cocktail-androgenic anabolic steroids in a very high dosage, and get the whole "bouquet" of side effec ts, the user starts to blame Omnadren. Because it and produce something of his in Poland, without proper quality control, and forge all and sundry. You would think in Pakistan or India, the production of sterile, and nothing fake there ...

Dosage of Omnadren

Objectively to constant positive dynamics in mass and strength mid-level sportsman will have enough preparation 250mg per week - a single injection. Over time, it will be possible to increase the dosage to 500 mg per week.

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Also keep in mind that Omnadren-250 is still the drug is not for the "first course". This is due to the fact that it is not very convenient to use alone because of the almost complete lack of "soft entry" into the course. If the first injection is injected into the body it is large enough dose of a substance, often excessive for the "freshman" needs. You can try Cortexin too.

And yet, if I was not in anything except Omnadren in nightstand, I would use it as shown in the table.

At doses shown in the table, the side effects are negligible. But the results are quite acceptable. And after the drug has a chance to save them the most. Also observed on the "smooth" as the beginning of the course, and coming out of it.


Omnadren - 250 is one of the most powerful drugs for a set of mass and strength in powerlifting and bodybuilding, but in order to benefit from its reception was more desirable than harm:

  • Acquire the drug or the "trusted people", or in pharmacies.
  • Do not exceed a reasonable dosage.
  • Since the drug is easily flavored to reduce the associated adverse side effects, take anti-estrogens (eg, Proviron). What will also help to reduce the accumulation of excess water.
  • Omnadren - 250 is absolutely contraindicated for women.

In conclusion, I would like to note that Omnadren - 250 is often considered an analog of Sustanon - 250.

Expert Opinion – Dr. Doping

In my opinion, Omnadren 250 is a unique drug that is potentially considered to be one of the most effective for building muscle mass and strength that is particularly in demand in powerlifting and other strength sports. Its effectiveness as described in this article consists in its structure, which includes four testosterone ester.
However, this drug is actively criticized for a large number of side effects, which is written in this article. The problem lies in the availability and therefore Omnadren frequently exceeded the recommended dosages. To avoid causing side effects that are similar to side effects of testosterone, you must follow a clearly dosages that detailed in the article.

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