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N Acetyl Selank for Depression

30 Mar 2017


In recent years, often used terms such as "depression", "mild depression" and "depression". Depression is a serious psycho-emotional disorders. It is characterized by depressed, negative mood and negative, pessimistic assessment itself, its position in the surrounding reality, the past and the future, meaning a decrease in activity.

Depression N Acetyl Selank

A person in a state of depression, experiencing severe, painful emotions and experiences - depression, sadness, despair.

Volitional activity and self-esteem dramatically reduced. This is combined with a sense of the futility of existence. Treatment of depression, addressed the fact that the patient was able to get out of this state - it is the most complicated problem in psychiatry.

However, depression is not developing simultaneously, it is preceded by many years of pre-disease - "depression". And symptoms of depression can occur in any person at any age.

The first symptom of depression
Persistent low mood - the first and most important symptom of depression. It is known that a person's life like a "zebra": safe for life from time to time by a period of negative.

Selank peptide nasal drops

Begin problems at work, something goes wrong in the family, and so on - and the mood plummets. In autumn and winter climate of negativity adds. Gloomy weather, when the sky is overcast inherent weeks and there is no direct sunlight, which also leads to a decrease in mood. You can buy Selank.

For the treatment of chronic or episodic depression in young or elderly: Users medication for depression should meet the following requirements:
efficacy, safety and tolerability of chronic administration, minimal drug interactions, rapid onset of action, the possibility of rapid drug withdrawal without incurring "withdrawal."

All these properties have Selank regulatory peptide and therefore is able to bring a person from depression.
It contributes to the early elimination of the neurochemical imbalances in the emotional centers of the brain, leading to a sense of depression, helplessness, depression and anxiety, and thus helps to cope with depression and to deal effectively with its accompanying symptoms.

When using Selank:
It decreases the level of depression, anxiety, inner tension;
optimized operations emotional centers of the brain;
increased interest in life;
It improves memory and concentration;
increased tolerance to stressful situations, especially when changing the environment community;
stimulated performance, including thin;
improved sleep;
It normalizes the autonomic centers that helps prevent depression.

Treatment of depression and depressive disorders, drug "Selank"
Selank is the drug of choice for the treatment of socially active patients who want to preserve their way of life and full operability while minimizing the negative effects of stress and experienced and to get rid of the associated depression.

Selank stimulates serotonin synthesis only at its low background concentration, namely when there is a low concentration of serotonin and depression.

Selank Dosage at treatment of Depression

Rules of admission "Selank"

The daily dosage of Selank - Reception 10 days;

Duration of reception - 3 drops in each nostril 2 times a day;

The amount of the drug on the course - The course of 3 bottles; 2-3 courses per year.


- In the vial contains 60 drops

- Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.

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