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IRS 19 - Now we use as a means of staph in the ears

02 Jan 2017

Advantages: is resistant antiprostudny effect in people with lowered immunity

Disadvantages: can be allergy

We suffered from chronic otitis, we have not done the analysis on ear microflora. Imagine we have found Staphylococcus aureus. It is very difficult to treat, can not be cured with antibiotics, "pick up" it can be in the pool or swimming in the pond, he exposed to people with weakened immune systems.

From Staphylococcus helps IRS-19 in the complex therapy. We have long ago made the course "IRS-19" on the recommendation of friends, whom he helped. By the way, we have friends who" IRS-19" does not help the child, but only caused swelling than impeded treatment.

The spray is considered a very good tool in pediatrics, it helps in the treatment of colds, rhinitis, otitis media (as in our case) and other diseases of upper respiratory tract. The drug is not addictive. Do not wait for him quick results, the treatment will be long.

Usage time: 2 courses

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