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IRS 19 - Immunomodulatory Respiratory Spray - quickly and effective

04 Dec 2016

Advantages: excellent prevention is very easy to use

Disadvantages: quite expensive

I love this drug IRS-19. Me he puts on his feet literally in three days. At the slightest sign of illness splash in the nose. In fact, quite a powerful tool, but there is a new idiosyncrasy. If I recover before our eyes, the husband after use will become sick even stronger. I do not know what was going on, but it can be checked only empirically.

what it is good for me:

  • Speed preparation, starts to act almost immediately;
  • Does not cause discomfort during use, the smell is not sharp;
  • Cost-effective, but rather because I was quite a few splashes in the season of exacerbations of infection.

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