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IRS 19 - Immunomodulatory Respiratory Spray - helped

04 Dec 2016

Advantages: reliable protection against viruses, suitable for children from 3 months, taste, simplicity and ease of use, good immune agent

Disadvantages: very expensive

Before kindergarten my son was ill with cold only once for 2.5 years, and when he went to kindergarten - began to hurt at least once a month from colds. Almost as soon as we went to kindergarten, inflamed adenoids, and even up to grade 3 (the most severe - 4). On the advice of our doctor tried a lot of different immunomodulators result was not.

When tasted "IRS-19" - we noticed a positive effect. When a cold is already "in full swing", it is usually IRS-19 does not help us, but for the prevention or at the first sign of a cold - certainly is the result. Due to IRS have stopped the endless cold my son. No side effects have not been. Sometimes, when the first application after the break - briefly lays his nose, but it quickly passes.

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