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IGF-1 Insulinlike growth factor

20 Oct 2016

Insulinlike growth factor- 1 (IFR-1, IGF-1 is also known as somatomedin) - biologically active peptide formed mainly in a liver and muscles, the most important intermediary of effect of hormone of growth. Possesses anabolic action and starts a hyperplasia of muscles.

Main knowledge of IGF-1:

  • All effects of an insulinlike growth factor coincide with those at growth hormone as the last isn't independently active. Secretable hormone of growth interacts with a liver which in turn begins to release IFR-1, it also causes practically all useful effects of hormone of growth: combustion of fat, relief, growth of muscles, etc.
  • The insulinlike growth factor has several versions. One of the most perspective isoforms - a mechanical factor of growth.
  • IGF-1 is entered into an organism only parenterally (by means of the syringe).
  • According to the data provided in scientific literature, 100 mkg of IFR-1 are equivalent 16,25 — 25 ME hormones of growth
  • According to Yu. Bombela the most part of medicines are fakes, or are destroyed because of the wrong storage conditions. Quote: If to speak about morals from the aforesaid in general, then it is as follows: you shouldn't contact IFR-1 (with MFR at the same time too) – hardly you receive what you expect. But even if receive, then hardly you will manage to use it fully.

IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1 DES

IGF-1 is divided into 2 main types: IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1 DES. IGF-1 basis (not changed molecule from 70 amino acids) has a short half-life period in an organism (about 10-20 minutes) therefore its action quite in short term. For this reason a molecule of insulinlike growth factor it was modified and such forms as IGF-1 LR3 - with the extended amino-acid sequence (83 amino-acid remaining balance) and IGF-1 DES (1-3) - with the shortened amino-acid sequence (67 amino acids) are received. Both forms render similar pharmacological effects and differ only on force and duration of action. These peptides aren't studied in clinical testing in public and aren't applied in medicine.

IGF-1 LR3 (Long) exceeds IGF-1 basis on activity level approximately twice. The half-life period reaches 20-30 hours. Slows down glucose capture by cages more effectively, thus, forcing an organism to burn fats as energy.

IGF-1 DES (1-3) or IGF-1 (4-70) is deprived of the first 3 amino acids in the sequence at the expense of what doesn't contact proteins of plasma and exceeds on activity level IGF-1 basis approximately by 10 times. Half-life period of 20-30 minutes. It is applied to local injections in target muscles. It is supposed that this form as much as possible starts a hyperplasia unlike LR3. IGF-1 DES is capable to involve considerably the bigger number of receptors at the same time, including partially damaged by lactic acid.

Application in bodybuilding

When we were accepted to medicine researches under the name - "an insulinlike growth factor ", there was among us no person who a priori wouldn't be skeptical about their results. On the one hand, Igtropin of production of the Chinese GenSci, rather long time which was present at our market wasn't remembered by anything, except unreasonably high price. With another as it appeared, the complex experiments concerning IFR-1 were conducted at all by nobody. Of course, it is pleasant - to be pioneers, but practice shows that at those who go ahead destiny not such and enviable. That is, cones it turns out as a result much more, than the standing results. It is interesting what in two months after the beginning of an experiment of skepticism didn't remain at anybody. There was only a passion.

Results which we managed to receive were rather unexpected. In any case, in many respects they contradicted habitual idea of effectiveness of an insulinlike growth factor. Though the experiment still continues and before its termination is still rather far, we didn't keep not to acquaint you with some of its preliminary results. But I want to precede them by one absolutely small phrase: the insulinlike growth factor not just WORKS, IT WORKS PERFECTLY; IT is NOT SIMPLY NECESSARY to BODYBUILDERS – is NECESSARY. Especially it concerns age athletes. Interesting facts about Phenotropil.

IGF-1 LR3. Injections are most often carried out every day in a single dose of 50-150 mkg. Desensitization develops about 3-4 weeks of a rate.

IGF-1 DES. Injections on 50-150 mkg can be entered several times a day, especially before a training and after it. The average duration of a rate is up to 4 weeks. Pricks are carried out in the lagging behind groups of muscles though efficiency of this approach is under doubt.


Absolutely unexpected were two things. First, already now it is possible to claim practically with absolute confidence" that the insulinlike growth factor doesn't influence growth of power indicators in any way. Caught? Absolutely in any way! The main benefit of this factor of growth – stimulation of a hyperplasia of muscle fibers. And he copes with this task with a bang. For age athletes to initiate a hyperplasia of fibers it is represented very difficult (if at all possible for implementation) a task. And here the appeal to the help of IFR-1 are actually unique exit.

Best of all possibilities of an insulinlike growth factor are implemented in a combination to specially picked up training, optimum from our point of view, there will be "pamping" of 10-12 sets on muscular group till 12-20 of repetitions in a set, with the minimum pause between sets). It is interesting that in food in case of such training the emphasis shall be placed on proteinaceous food, and on carbohydrates. Secondly, contrary to beliefs of the vast majority of specialists, IFR-1 possesses the expressed fat-burning capabilities. It is interesting that the insulinlike growth factor forgives mistakes in a diet: insufficient caloric content of a diet, excessive consumption of carbohydrates, including simple, lack of protein. Today it is possible to claim, almost for certain that the insulinlike growth factor exceeds on the fat-burning potential even synthetic ñîìàòîòðîïèí. However, the mechanism of fat dissolve at IFR-1 a bit different (we now just try to understand it) so the combining IFR-1 and growth hormone in "one team", quite perhaps, will make process of combustion of fat more powerful.

At last, there was obscure an influence of IFR-1 on recovery after the training. We didn't notice any motions in recovery under the influence of IFR-1 today. However, for more subject conclusions it is necessary to make with this factor of growth a number of experiments in which he will act as the unique pharmacological means (perhaps, except complexes of vitamins and minerals) applied by the athlete.


The optimum dosage of IFR-1 can be considered 100 mkg a day; really, such dosage will suit practically all (except the absolute light-weights), it is more - already an excess, it is less - obviously insufficiently. Injections of IFR-1 can be both local, and system - one don't exclude others. The first are priority if it is necessary to stimulate the local growth of muscles. The second well influence an organism in general, helping, including, to get rid from hypodermic and fatty adjournment.

However, researches in this direction continue now. In what it is possible to be sure for hundred percent so it that daily injections of IFR-1 not only aren't obligatory, but also are undesirable. 2-4 injections a week in days of trainings will be the optimal solution.

What isn't really good. There is no such barrel of honey in which someone's playful hand took and didn't put at least a small spoon of tar. Here the same. Strangely enough, but negative lines of IFR-1 result from its benefits.

So, stimulation of growth of muscles means also stimulation of different growth of tumors if those are available in an organism. Well, if a tumor good-quality, then it still, all right (though too it isn't very good), and here if malignant...

One more benefit of IFR-1 beneficial influence on cardiovascular system, in particular, recovery of a cardiac muscle. But here everything occurs approximately also, as well as in case of application by nitroglycerine "cores" - this medicine can stop a stenocardia attack, but can lead to sharp increase in need of a myocardium for oxygen and provoke a collapse.

Something similar is observed also in case of IFR-1: in case of its application the need for oxygen of the same myocardium sharply increases. If you, besides, use nitrogen oxide "boosters", then, at least, short wind during the intensive training is almost guaranteed to you.

What's next?

Yes this time answers to the following questions aren't received:

Whether application of IFR-1 "solo" will be justified (i.e. without support from AAS, still we didn't apply it only against the background of injections of testosterone of an enantan – about the reasons see article "IFR-1. The correct use brings result", published in last issue of our magazine) and what results at the same time can be received?

What injections, nevertheless are more priority: local or system? How it is better to combine them?

Whether it is worth accepting IFR-1 with growth hormone if yes, that how exactly?

Influence of an insulinlike growth factor on a female body isn't absolutely clear. However, women didn't take part in our experiment so far. At the same time, for women the insulinlike growth factor is represented very promising medicine, but not in respect of growth of muscles, and in respect of disposal of excess fat under skin. However, researches, I will repeat, have only begun. And though very promising results, to final conclusions still rather far are already received.


The following two of our materials will tell you what is an insulinlike growth factor, and also about special cases of its application. In English it is called "case study" - it is the phrase we and have decided to take out in article heading. And if in the first case medicine was applied according to the scheme which has become already classical, then in the second we have decided to change this scheme a little. Why we have acted this way? What results managed to be achieved in the first and in the second case? At last, in what difference of these schemes and what it is possible to call optimum? Read our articles, and you learn answers to these and many other questions.

Initial positions

The amateur athlete of high level has agreed to act as our experimental. Naturally, acting in bodybuilding. Higher I called the scheme according to which the insulinlike growth factor was applied in our case, classical. Really, this scheme can be considered close to optimum, according to it medicine is applied every other day in a dosage of 100 mkg (one bottle). Characteristic of the case considered by us was that the athlete was on vacation between "courses" of anabolic steroids. That is, it was interesting to look how the insulinlike growth factor in that case when it is applied behaves it is aware "solo". As for a training, the athlete this who was earlier resorting to "pamping" it is very rare, according to our recommendation has leaned on this method, practically without being distracted by anything other. However, the training took place not only in days of injections of IFR-1 that, nevertheless, classics " is withdrawal from ". We have crossed, "have sat down on a path", and the experiment has gone.

The course of an experiment

First everything went just remarkably: for the first week practically all fat burned down, the relief appeared in all beauty - though on a podium tomorrow. At the same time it was noticed that it is possible to push remorselessly into itself simple carbohydrates together with fats (this lovely combination means cakes and cakes), and for it even nothing will be. "In a high" there was also a "pampingovy" training - feelings it and really first brings "unreal".

Problems began on the third week. First, by this time in blood our experimental there is practically no exogenous testosterone left; recovery of production of testosterone own took its course, but meanwhile its level was rather low. Secondly, "pamping" began to tire frankly by this time. Not only that this method of a training and so rather exhausting, it also possesses a rare capability "to squeeze out" muscles to a limit.

By the beginning of the fourth week this limit was reached, muscles were absolutely "empty" - a glycogen the minimum. Generally, there is nothing terrible in it: on completion of "rate" of IFR-1 of a muscle will gradually be filled with a glycogen chock-full (you want to accelerate several this process - use insulin; the truth, at the same time is danger to return "backwards" and the lost fat so it is better "let somehow...") will also find the lost amount (together with a glycogen also water, and, will return to muscles). Weight in our case of application of an insulinlike growth factor returned to a reference value for the tenth day, and its growth began further. Here only if terms draw in..

Preliminary conclusions

Conclusion No. 1, Whatever One May Do, and is better to apply an insulinlike growth factor, nevertheless, together with testosterone or other anabolic steroids. If this factor of growth goes "solo", then it is necessary to provide solid "support" in the form of a clenbuterol, insulin (1-2 times a week on 15-20 ME will be quite enough), perhaps, a tribulusa.

Conclusion No. 2. It is necessary to introduce essential amendments in process of food, having added to a diet without fail creatine (at least in days which do without IFR-1 injections). Most likely, during this period it is worth increasing in a diet amount of carbohydrates, perhaps, even simple.

Conclusion No. 3. Obviously, courses in which the insulinlike growth factor is used even in case of injections every other day have to be shorter. Most likely, no more than two weeks. Running forward, I will tell what quite so we did in our second experiment).

Conclusion No. 4. At last, training. "Pamping" is known for the merciless relation to a glycogen. Perhaps, you should not lean on classical "pamping", having thought up it a certain replacement. And it is possible, reduction of the periods "on IFR" up to two weeks (in weeks without IFR-1 there is a return to an ordinary training) will help here. As it was already told, they are preliminary conclusions. More or less final it will be possible to make after the second stage of an experiment. So, stay with us!

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