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HGH in sport

07 Aug 2017

Growth hormone is considered to be one of the most popular sports products, which increase efficiency and improve the results of training. This substance of protein nature, which is a part of biologically active additives, stimulates the synthesis of protein, promotes a powerful growth of muscle mass and simultaneously reduces the amount of fatty deposits.

The modeling of the harmoniously developed body and the full formation of the musculature should be carried out in a complex that includes not only properly organized training and nutritionally balanced nutrition, but also the use of special biologically active additives that help restore muscle fibers, as well as other tissues and cells of the body.

Growth hormone in sports nutrition positions itself as an endocrine catalyst, accelerating metabolism, suppressing catabolic and stimulating anabolic processes, fully supplying muscle tissue with nutrients and accelerating the movement of the athlete to the intended goal.

Biological effect of growth hormone

Growth hormone in sports is used to build muscle relief. When using this bioregulator as an amino acid dietary supplement, it has the following effects:

Promotes the increased growth of muscle mass, prevents catabolic processes (slows down the destruction of muscles);

Stimulates the disintegration of free fat tissue;

Strengthens bones, enhances the synthesis of growth factors (in people under 26 years of age);

Increases the level of glucose in the blood, preventing its absorption by tissues;

Creates an optimal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;

Reduces the frequency of injuries, stimulates blood circulation and normalizes the work of the heart muscle;

Strengthens the body's immune forces.

Virtually all of the above GR effects contributing to the achievement of their own record result are associated with the action of an insulin-like growth factor - somatomedin, which has an anabolic effect and stimulates hyperplasia of muscle fibers.

Initially, drugs made on the basis of Somatropin, intended for use purely for medical purposes. However, because of the ability to strengthen the muscular relief, significantly reduce fat deposits and improve venous traction, recombinant GH analogues have found wide application in sports practice, more precisely, in the bodybuilding industry. Growth hormone and sports nutrition is a unique tandem that promotes an increase in dry muscle mass and connective tissue fibers, and a simultaneous decrease in the fatty layer.

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