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Growth Hormone for Weight Gain

31 Oct 2017

From the point of view of some novice bodybuilders, Growth Hormone and body mass gain by increasing skeletal muscles are two inseparable concepts. However, in fact, the effect of using the drug is not always 100% justified by expectations, and sometimes it does remain a useless pacifier. Let's try to understand why this happens.

Growth hormone, used in bodybuilding - a recombinant polypeptide bioregulator, which has a powerful anabolic effect. It is he who promotes the activation of the division of the satellite cells "conserved" under the membrane of muscle fibers, thereby enhancing the relief of the musculature. For today in sports practice there are 4 areas of application of Somatropin:

Opposition to the disintegration of muscle tissue (assistance to age-related athletes);

Treatment of injured joints and tendons;

Reduction of fatty layer;

Increase in muscle mass.

In the first two cases, the growth hormone can be used as a monotherapy drug (ie it will be effective on its own). By the way, there is undeniable evidence of the effect of growth hormone on the mass in the case of its appointment to people of advanced age (who have reached the age of 65). But as for reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat and increasing the overall muscle weight, then, without additional components, the use of a hormonal agent will be meaningless.

Growth hormone for weight gain

Growth hormone for weight gain is recommended to be combined with anabolic steroids, which help to increase muscle mass by burning subcutaneous fat and simultaneously increasing muscle growth. Such a course, due to the synergism of drugs from different groups, has a pronounced effect. At the same time, it is practically safe for health (of course, when using biocatalysts in moderate, reasonable doses).

Most often, to increase the effect of Growth Hormone on weight, athletes use Boldenon, Testosterone enanthate or Sustanon, according to the recommended dosages. As an alternative solution it is recommended to use GH after a course of anabolic steroids.

At the end of the cycle, it is necessary to post-course therapy (PCT), aimed at restoring the natural hormonal background and retaining the muscular mass gained.

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