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Growth Hormone and Workout

28 Sep 2017

In bodybuilding practice, growth hormone and exercise are two complementary concepts. This is due to the fact that proper performance of exercises with the use of resistors has the most pronounced anabolic effect on muscles. As a consequence, the production of endogenous somatotropin increases, muscle mass increases, and the metabolism that stimulates fat burning increases.

The influence of strength training on the production of growth hormone

In the course of numerous studies it was established that the growth hormone after exercise is increased 3-4 times. When doing exercises with weights, professionals recommend:

Use the weight with which the athlete will be difficult to do the scheduled number of repetitions;

Give the body a little breather (not more than a minute), and then repeat all over again;

After 2-3 repetitions proceed to the next exercise, which involves another muscle group;

The duration of the training in total should not exceed 45 minutes (after this time begins to develop a stress hormone (cortisol), significantly reducing the effect of training).

It should be noted that growth hormone and training are the main triggers in the development of the relief muscular body. Moreover, the maximum release of endogenous somatotropin is noted when a combination of power and aerobic loads (first exercises with resistance, and then - "oxygen" exercises on the treadmill for burning calories). In this situation, the training regime plays an important role. The most optimal option is 3-4 maximum productive classes per week.

Among other things, a significant increase in growth hormone after exercise will help special protein supplements containing amino acids (arginine, glycine, BCCA, ornithine, etc.). It is recommended to take them at night, and directly during classes. Also, the athlete's body, to achieve the maximum anabolic effect, requires high-quality sleep and interval rest, proper protein nutrition and regular exercise replacement (to avoid the development of addiction to power loads).

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