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Growth Hormone Production

28 Sep 2017

The production of the Growth Hormone is a rather complex multi-step process, involving the chemical synthesis of DNA fragments. That's why this product is a very expensive tool, but, unfortunately, its high price does not always guarantee impeccable quality.

Manufacturers of recombinant growth hormone

To date, recombinant somatropin is one of the most popular anabolic drugs used in sports pharmacology. And it was his celebrity, as well as considerable cost, that caused the appearance of a large number of fake (fake) products on the market. Due to the fact that getting Hormone Growth under clandestine conditions is practically not feasible, many hunters for easy money simplify the process of its manufacturing to the limit, realizing a completely useless, and sometimes even dangerous enough powder, which looks like a recombinant somatotropin.

Official manufacturers of the Growth Hormone: France, Switzerland, USA, Denmark, Sweden, Iran, Israel and China. It should be noted that all products produced by European and American companies are produced in a diluted form, prepacked in special electronic devices for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection. Of course, the price for such products of sports nutrition for the average consumer is almost impossible.

Proven drugs of growth hormone

For athletes who want to buy Growth Hormone from the manufacturer, professionals recommend paying attention to biosynthetic preparations of Chinese production:

Jintropin (Gensci Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.);

Ansomon (Anhui Anke Biotechnology Co., Ltd.);

Hygentropin (Hygene Biopharm Co., Ltd.);

Hypertropine (NeoGenica BioScience Ltd.).

As for all the rest of the products made in China, it is illegal, and in most cases, substandard, practically free of Growth Hormone, or containing animal growth hormone, dead body pituitary extract, albumin, insulin, gonadotropin , As well as other substances that have nothing in common with the recombinant polypeptide.

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