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Growth Hormone Courses

14 Aug 2017

Growth hormone called somatropin is a unique substance, without which real bodybuilding, in principle, is impossible. Natural endogenous GR is responsible for all the processes of building tissues in the body - muscles, skin, hair ... But not always it is enough for the muscle mass to grow quickly and efficiently. In these situations, special preparations come to the rescue. The most famous of them are Jintropin, Ansomone, Hygetropin and Kigtropin. In addition to the names, they have small differences in bioavailability, side effects, the degree of effect on the body. You can read about each of them in detail in the product card.

The general principles of the action are the same for all modifications of the GR. What can they do?

Cause an anabolic effect (muscle growth) and stop catabolism

Helps burn fat

Young people can increase bone growth, all others - strengthen them, and strengthen joints and ligaments

Accelerate wound healing, trauma, strengthen immunity

Rejuvenate and increase energy levels.

This is quite enough to choose the rate of growth hormone for improving its athletic performance and appearance, is not it?

Courses for the masses. Growth Hormone and Insulin

Perhaps the main bonus of GH complexes for mass is the absence of rollback or a minimal rollback (as, for example, in anabolic steroids). All the results are preserved, and even for some time the muscles can grow further without any injections.

Growth hormone does not affect the level of testosterone in the body. Often, special courses for the mass look like growth hormone and steroids. The results are improved by 30-60%. However, in this situation, the athlete completely experiences all the side effects of steroids, including a sharp drop in testosterone levels and the need to undergo a PCT complex.

To improve the results without risk, you can combine the course of growth hormone with the intake of inulin. GH is able to cause hyperglycemia (i.e., elevated blood sugar levels), and insulin is its antagonist. When we lower the sugar level with insulin, we automatically increase the concentration of growth hormone. This combination gives an increase in results, on average, by 10-30%.

Use insulin is recommended in any case with long courses of GH for the protection of the pancreas.

Drying Courses

GR courses are unique in that they are able to provide a pronounced fat burning, while not just without loss of muscle mass, but also with the opportunities for its growth. It's just impossible in the usual situation!

However, modern science and pharmacology make the impossible a reality. On average, for a 1-course athletes reduce the percentage of fat by 5-7%. The effect of fat burning can be strengthened if you take an additional thyroxine. GH can inhibit the activity of the thyroid gland, as a result of which the body does not produce its own thyroxine. And it is extremely important for full-fledged lipolysis.

Especially popular for drying are courses of growth hormone Ansomon. This, as well as other courses with a fat burning effect, you can order in our store.

For women

The use of this component for girls and women for sports purposes is poorly understood. However, for the rejuvenation of a woman, it is successfully used in doses 2-3 times less than bodybuilders. The risk of side effects is minimal. Therefore, women who want to try the GH complex should, if possible, reduce the dosage of the drug 1.5-2 times and closely monitor the condition of the body.

How much does the GR course cost?

Growth hormone - very effective, and therefore - not cheap drug. However, you can always save, if you buy it not for a couple of bottles, and buy the whole complex entirely. In our store there is a special price for any of them. In addition, at your service convenient and fast delivery, easy registration and 100% guarantee of originality of all products.

We offer a course:

• Gintropine on dry muscle mass.

• Ansomona for drying and improving the quality of the body.

• Kigtropin for muscle growth and pronounced rejuvenation.

• Higrothropin for weight loss and muscle growth.

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