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Geofman Pharmaceuticals

24 Nov 2016

Geofman Pharmaceuticals is the producer of anabolic and androgenic steroids from Pakistan. Works since 2005. The main motto of the producer – "Servingthehumanity" – service for the mankind benefit. The company makes more than 200 different pharmaceutical products, including – anabolic and androgenic steroids.

Geofman Pharmaceuticals

According to the producer, special attention is paid to quality control. For its maintenance, at all stages of production process the modern processing equipment meeting the requirements of WHO and ISO 9000 is used. You can try - Omaron.

Feedbacks about Geofman Pharmaceuticals

An impression is made that the Russian-speaking audience practically doesn't use brand products. In the afternoon with fire you won't find feedbacks about Geofman Pharmaceuticalsi. There are some data that in the analysis of products "incomplete filling" approximately in 20-25% was revealed. If to speak generally, then, most likely, GP doesn't sell frank "baby's dummies", but also doesn't shine with quality.

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