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GHRP-2 + GHRP-6: course for mass for the beginner Quick start

23 Aug 2017


1. Stimulation of GH secretion.

2. Protection of the liver, lowering cholesterol.

3. Enhance appetite: by activating ghrelin receptors.

4. Strengthening ligaments, joints, bones.

5. Improve the relief of muscles by reducing the amount of fat mass.

6. Anti-inflammatory effect.

7. Growth and improvement of hair and skin condition, rejuvenating effect.

8. Noticeable increase in endurance and strength in training.

9. Strengthening of the body, its immune system.

The duration of the course is, on average, 2 months.

The drugs used:

1.GHRP-2 5mgx5 bottles.

2.GHRP-6 5mgx5 bottles.


• We assure you: after going through the peptide course, you will be impressed with the first results so that you become a true fan of safe and effective peptides for improving strength and body building.

• GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 - this course is intended for bodybuilders and athletes who, on personal experience, have not yet become acquainted with peptides and want to try to get the first results in short terms at no extra cost. Thus, it is ideal for beginners and for those who have not yet decided whether the peptides will suit them.

• Combination (also called "peptides 2 and 6") GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 - today one of the most famous and tested by experience, has a synergistic effect. No dietary supplements and sports drink will not give you even a close effect! According to the research data, this combination of peptides increases the production of GH by more than 2 times, in comparison with any other means having a similar effect.

• You are assured of increased appetite and pronounced muscle growth, which will allow you to observe a high-protein diet without problems, ensure the growth of all training indicators, as well as the effect of fat burning.

The described advantages can be gained by everyone. For this, no significant expenditure of financial resources or effort is required.


The course is designed for 2 months, so you need 5 bottles.

1.GHRP-6-150 mcg 3 times a day.

2.GHRP-2-150 mcg 3 times a day.

This dosage is calculated for a person weighing 100 kg, taking into account that another 5 mg of active substance remains in the "nozzle" of the syringe. Calculation of dosage should be carried out according to the formula: 1,5mkg of each drug per 1kg of weight of the athlete. Experts do not recommend reducing the dosage below 1mkg per 1kg of weight, since then the drugs will lose their effectiveness.

Immediately prior to injection, the peptides can be mixed in a syringe. It is impermissible to mix the components in the vial, as this leads to loss of efficacy, as well as the occurrence of possible side effects.


There are no contraindications to the use of both peptides. The only possible side effect is small redness at the injection site.

In our online store you can quickly and safely purchase certified original peptides GHRP-2, GHRP-6 and bactericidal water for dissolving drugs.

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