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20 Oct 2016

GHRP-2 (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide - 2 - the peptide releasing growth hormone) or Pralmorelin - a stimulator of hormone of growth (somatotropin) which showed outstanding performance at people in case of sublingual and transbukkalny acceptance. GHRP-2, perhaps, the unique and most powerful booster (stimulator) of development of a somatotropin from all existing now. GHRP-2 is oligopeptidy which is capable to get through vessels of a mouth and to arrive in a blood-groove passing a liver. In researches it was shown that GHRP-2 stimulates a hypophysis that leads to increase in secretion of a somatotropin at 7-15 times (other stimulators of hormone of growth, on the basis of GABA and amino acids increase level no more than by 2-3 times from initial).

Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide - 2 consists of six consistently connected amino acids. This stimulator of hormone of growth enters into group of peptides which interact with G protein-coupled receptors of a hypophysis and a hypothalamus, also it activates grelinovy receptors that in turn leads to appetite strengthening. These peptides were for the first time received at the end of the last century from a metenkefalin (artificial peptide). In spite of the fact that GHRP-2 has no structural similarities about a somatotropin-rileasing hormone (endogenous biologically active agent which naturally stimulates growth hormone development), in clinical testing this substance showed similar effects on a hypophysis.

GHRP-2, Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide - 2

The stimulator of hormone of growth of GHRP-2 has the small molecular weight therefore easily gets through mucous membrane of a mouth that the parenteral way of introduction allows to avoid. Efficiency and good tolerance of a sublingual, intranazal and transbucal method of entering of medicine is confirmed by medical researches.

The results of clinical testing published in Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism in 1997 showed that Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide - 2 increases products of a somatotropin both at children, and at adults and even at elderly people.

Main effects

  • Body height hormone secretion stimulator
  • Appetite intensifying (due to activation the grelinovykh of receptors) 
  • Depression of fatty weight and augmentation muscular (that is, relief intensifying) 
  • Depression of level of a cholesterin
  • Strengthening of bones
  • Improvement of properties of a skin (effect of a rejuvenascence)
  • Protective effect on a liver
  • Antiinflammatory action

"Attention" of GHRPeptide-2 the most potent and in too time a safe stimulator of secretion of Somatotropinum from all existing in the market of a sports delivery now (on action force it can be compared to body height hormone drugs) that is confirmed by a series of independent researches. Do not forget take Phenotropil for better results.

Doses and regimen of reception

In researches it was defined that the stimulator of hormone of body height of GHRP-2 has dose-dependent effect, that is rising of level of Somatotropinum directly depends on the accepted dose of this substance, and isn't dependent on a sex, age and the number of fatty weight. Later one more research on children was conducted where dependence of concentration of hormone of body height on GHRP-2 dose was accurately defined (see schedules).

"Attention" in bodybuilding, GHRP-2 is applied To obtaining effect in a dose of 1-2 mkg on 1 kg of body weight, 2-3 times a day. That is, the average single dose of drug in bodybuilding varies within 100-200 mkg. 2-3 injections every day (in 15 minutes prior to food, after the training and before going to bed), on 100-200 mkg intramusculary are most often carried out. There are reports on use of substance on 1000 mkg 2-3 times a day, without development of collateral reactions. Nevertheless we don't recommend to raise a dose as rates of intensifying of effect of a peptide considerably decrease at doses higher than 200 mkg, together with it concentration of a hydrocortisone and Prolactinum can increase. For depression of Prolactinum recommends to connect Kabergolin (Dostinex). 

"Attention" Expedient is a combination of this peptide to GRF(1-29) or CJC-1295 for achievement of the maximum (synergetic) effect, economy of agents and a solution of the problem of a desensitization. The combined courses are described in the relevant articles.

"Attention" Presumably, in a blood doesn't happen because of a short half-life period of GHRP-2, essential augmentation of concentration of IFR-1, despite high, but short-term rising of hormone of body height. Therefore it is recommended to combine this drug with other peptides, with a larger half-life period (CJC-1295)

Preparation and storage of solution

It is necessary to cool a bottle to room temperature, then to enter the necessary volume of water for injections (which has to flow down on a bottle wall) and to stir the smooth rotating movements (not to shake) or to give to stand in the refrigerator. Solution is quite stable. And, stability in this case doesn't depend on solvent type (bakteriostatic water or water for injections). The period of storage in the refrigerator makes about 30-35 days.

Sports food

Growth hormone stimulators on the basis of GHRP-2:

  • Hexaghen from MuscleMeds
  • Hemotropin from Nutrabolics
  • Hemogex from VPX
  • Xomatropin from ASN

Until only these brands are presented at the market, at the same time any producer doesn't specify GHRP-2 dose though it is the main component of additives. This circumstance can suggest an idea that in them very low dosages not capable to render due effect are used.

Also there is a medicine Xentropin in which the share of active agent is also not known.


"Attention" Is recommended to combine additives about GHRP-2 and other stimulators of hormone of growth - arginin, GABA and glutamin, it allows to achieve synergy effect and to increase the level of a somatotropin in much bigger degree. The combination of these additives is safe for health.

Side effects

Researches confirmed the high level of safety GHRP-2 and almost total absence of side effects. The stimulator of hormone of body height of GHRP-2 passes clinical tests for 30 years therefore the delayed side effects can be excluded too.

"Attention" When using a dosage higher than 600 mkg a day can increase concentration of Prolactinum and hydrocortisone - two extremely undesirable hormones in bodybuilding. Giperprolaktinemiya is eliminated with Kabergolin.

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Someone from the Netherlands - just purchased the goods:
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