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FAQ: Communication Systems

14 Dec 2016

7 facts about different types of communication systems

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Language is used by us in many cases, for example, people often think with it. But probably the most common use of it - is communication: people express their thoughts, feelings, inform someone about something. However, the language is not only existing communicative system. Animals also read in nature with each other different information. The question is which one.

  • 1.For different kinds of relevant information are different. For example, the types of ants that live in large colonies (and even confederations), are able to transmit information on the whereabouts of food. And, for example, the nightingales of such information is entirely unnecessary: they manage in order to find food.When the nightingale sings, it means something like "I am a wonderful male, and the territory in which heard this song - my". And those types of ants that live in small families and gather food from the area size of the meter on, too, do not need sophisticated remote guidance system.
  • 2.People watching, like an ant or an ant reacts to Nightingale - Nightingale, I would like to call it the word "understand". But in fact we do not know whether this type of reaction considered understanding. We can only note that the sound wave, which reached hearing nightingale-female, starts her program behavior: view the site occupied by the male, and, depending on the stimuli that affect her senses, or fly watch adjacent land belonging to another male or marry this. And if the sound wave reaches the ear of a male nightingale, he would have run the other behavioral program, either to take another site and not to compete with this male, or, on the contrary, to try to drive this male with a good plot and take it yourself. But in any case, regardless of whether the call we "understand" or not, a situation where an animal does something significant, and in some of his relatives, noticing this, run the appropriate behavior can be regarded as a "transfer of information" .
  • 3.Basically, when we introduce some concept - for example, "information" or "information transfer" or "understanding" - it only means that we - with our communication system - convenient to divide reality into these pieces. Reality itself to pieces is not divided, but we - with our communicative habits - we want it necessarily share.

    However, divide all different. For example, the whole body from the shoulder to the fingertips in the Russian language is called "hand". And in the English part of the hand is called the «hand», and the hand as a whole - «arm». It is convenient to divide so that they - otherwise, but no natural reality this was not worth it. Hand all people arranged about the same, and those who divides it into "hand" and "arm", there is no special constrictions between "hand" and "arm", which would not be among those for whom the "hand" of any what is not specifically divided. So it is with the words "understanding", "information", etc. To improve language ability – buy SemaxCortexin, Cogitum, Piracetam, Picamilon, Noopept, Phenotropil.
  • 4.About animal communication systems are often referred to as the "languages": "the language of the bees", "dolphin language" - and generally get in response: "Yes, what is their language? That we, the people, the language, and they - no. " But in fact it is the same case as the word "hand", "language" - is that it is convenient to identify as a separate object and considered as a whole for some of our problems. If the task is to identify human communicative system among all the others, then reasonable to use the term "language" only to human communication, everything else is called "communicative systems of animals," or some other term. But if we want, on the contrary, to see something common in these communication systems, it may be reasonable to use the word "language" as the total for all of these systems, including for language mediators who have been taught monkeys. But then it is necessary each time to negotiate honestly, that we will keep in mind the word "language". In the second case from the scope of this concept should go pretty much, and remain only an idea of the reception and transmission of information, including, without the express intent.
  • 5.Incidentally, such a communicative system that is not based on an informed understanding, and unconscious feelings, triggered by external stimuli, in our communication too is present. There are many things that one does not need to say - better than all the words to tell his posture, posture, facial expressions, gestures, speech tempo, intonation ... All this is called "nonverbal means (ie, non-verbal) communication." They can tell about strong or weak speaker, cheerful or sad, or feels justified doubt (and much more). Possessor of power poses and posture, intonation dominant people often unconsciously begin to listen, even if they were never told that the man is in charge.
  • 6.This layer of nonverbal communication systems we have in common with the animal world, it did not disappear, just left on the periphery of communication - at least, to be aware of communication. But in addition to this we have a further communication system, which is focused already on the mind: these are the words that exist in our language, and statements that we are building a word. This proved to be very convenient, because the non-verbal communication is only capable of transmitting such aspects as strong / weak, big / small, powerful / slave, funny / sad, but to transfer some specifics of life, especially for something new, the unknown, it Unlike the language can not.
  • 7.What is needed such a communicative system, which can transmit the specifics of life, and in unlimited quantities? My assumption is. In the course of human evolution the forests were gradually replaced by savannah, but the fertility of monkeys living in the forest, not diminished. As a result, there were many extra monkeys, which had to adjust to life on the edge of the forest, where everything was not the way they used to. And if our ancestors had to develop a communicative system, which allows you to deliberately focus on something new, to navigate the endless details of the world: which stone is suitable for tools which are not suitable for some in game it makes sense to pursue, and for which does not which makes sense to dig up the tubers and there, and what better not. Besides, if you live on the border of the forest and more open spaces, it makes sense to conduct forest programs also do not forget. As a result, under these conditions, a new communicative system, arranged fundamentally differently than the communication systems animal facing the consciousness and generated consciousness - our human language.

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