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Empyreal Dragon

25 Nov 2016

Empyreal Dragon is the brand of sports dietary supplements.

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Empyreal Dragon


The original text with the description digging according

The founded in 1971, Chinese company Empyreal Dragon takes the worthy place in the sphere of production of sports additives now. In structure there is no pharmacology, so, additives can be used without harm for the health and, without being afraid of a drug test. Working capacity and efficiency of products is confirmed by clinical analyses and numerous feedbacks of athletes.

How the history of development of this organization began? The founder of the Empyreal Dragon company carefully kept secrets of the grandfather who was considered as the talented sorcerer of last century in China. The kept secrets were enhanced and supplemented with modern developments, for usability of additive began to be issued in capsules. Products have unique structure, analogs which aren't present in the world.

The Empyreal Dragon company places emphasis on high-quality and completely natural raw materials. All components are exposed to consecutive system of cleaning for the best assimilation with an organism. In structure there is a set of vegetable adaptogens, such as tribulus, a magnolia vine, a ginseng, and also the powerful complex of natural substances which is selected depending on purpose of biological additive.

Assortment of Empyreal Dragon

  • Anabolizer a stimulator, increases the level of Testosteron-Depotum and accelerates process of cell regeneration;
  • Hemosorb is restoring an agent, speeds up work of a liver and brings harmful substances out of an organism;
  • EnergyX increases adaptation to high loads, endurance and vigor of the athlete;
  • Potencer- is applied at erectile dysfunction;
  • Simpatoterm Lux is the zhiroszhigatel, accelerates processes of a thermogenesis and lipolysis;
  • Testoproject is increases the level of anabolic hormones and free Testosteron-Depotum in a blood;
  • AntiestrOX iscantioxidants, improve a condition of a blood and possess antitumoral action.
  • Hepanorm is a gepatoprotektor.
  • Tribulus of 90% is additive with Tribulus terrestris.
  • D-Aspartic Acid
  • B-Ecdysterone
  • Glucosamine & Chondroitin –is additive for ligaments and joints.
  • Fvck3D is a pretraining complex.

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