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Dosage of Chorionic Gonadotropin

06 Oct 2017

Recombinant hCG, used in sports pharmacology as a means of stimulating the synthesis of its own (endogenous) testosterone and contributing to the restoration of impaired sexual function. The dosage of Gonadotropin in bodybuilding should be set individually, depending on the age, body weight of the athlete, the goals pursued and the functional characteristics of the gonads.

Recommendations for the use of Gonadotropin

To achieve the most optimal result with minimal health loss, first of all, it is necessary to plan the course competently. It should be borne in mind that the overestimated dosage of Chorionic Gonadotropin used to prevent and eliminate testosterone deficiency can lead to the development of such negative reactions as:

  • Downregulation (clogging) of androgen receptors;
  • Testosterone-independent testosterone loss;
  • Gynecomastia (if there is a predisposition);
  • The formation of antibodies and suppression of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland;

Atrophy of the seminiferous tubules.

In course use of AS specialists recommend starting stimulation of hCG not later than the second half of the steroid cycle (ideally in the fifth week). In this situation, the daily dosage of Gonadotropin should not exceed 500 units, the frequency of injections - once in 2-3 days.

To "spur" the production of their own testosterone on a long cycle (from 13 weeks to a year), the drug is used every 6-8 weeks. In this case, 1500-2500 IU per day is administered (3 injections every 3-4 days).

Dosage of Gonadotropin at PCT

PCT (post-course therapy) is a pharmacological technique aimed at minimizing the side effects and complications that occur after the cycle of anabolic steroids. It has the following objectives:

  • Restores the natural hormonal background;
  • Prevents the rollback phenomenon;
  • Helps maintain the muscular mass gained;
  • Prevents atrophy of testicles and oligospermia.

How are the dosages of Gonadotropin calculated for PCT? The optimal use is 500-1000 IU of the drug for ten days. Some athletes put on 2000-5000 IU with an interval of 4-7 days, however such a dosing regimen can lead to the development of negative side reactions. It should be noted that many professional bodybuilders consider the use of hCG as part of post-course therapy unreasonable, as it really slows down the recovery, not allowing the normalization of the secretion of the luteotropic hormone, and, as a result, the production of endogenous testosterone.

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