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Doppelherz Beauty Slim

08 Dec 2016

Doppelherz Beauty Slim is the Complex for weight reduction. A complex of biologically active agents helping to keep the optimum weight, good health and vital energy.

Doppelherz Beauty Slim


The conjugated linolic acid is 750 mg. This substance has the proved efficiency. During clinical trials it was established that the conjugated linolic acid really causes depression of fatty body weight. Thanks to it the person can monthly lose 350 g of weight. But at the same time the minimum daily dose has to make 3.2g.

Doppelherz of a slim-complex is accepted on one capsule 3 times a day. Then what in days of people receives 2.25 g of linolic acid. The dose falls short even of minimum.

  • L-carnitine – 150 mg. It is one more component with clinically proved efficiency. With its help it is possible to grow thin on the whole 200 g a month. A daily dose is 2g.

We consider: Doppelgerts of slim-complex contains in three capsules 450 mg of a L-carnitine. This dose is four times less than that which is necessary for depression of body weight. Moreover, it only on a half provides normal daily need of the person for L-carnitine.

  • Extract of green tea – 100 mg. The next substance with the proved efficiency, but in an insufficient dose. The body weight of the person decreases at the expense of the catechins containing in green tea. The daily dose of extract for receipt of result shall constitute at least 2 g a day.

Doppelherz of a byyuta a slim-complex contains in three capsules only 0,3 g. Naturally, it isn't necessary to wait for effect of 15% of the minimum daily dose.

  • Caffeine – 12 mg. This component can even be not discussed. It is enough to look at its quantity. Only 36 mg. in days – a ridiculous dose. Even in 100 ml. instant coffee more caffeine, than contains in three capsules of medicine Doppelherz of a Beauty a slim-complex. Whether it is worth saying that in any drugstore it is possible to purchase caffeine sodium benzoate in tablets on 100 mg. for only 12 rubles.
  • Chrome – 30 mg. This microcell causes loss of body weight only in diabetics. For healthy people it is useless.

The majority of components of means for weight loss Doppelherz of a Beauty a slim-complex really have clinically proved effect. But at the same time a dose of each of them so scanty that it isn't necessary to expect result. Moreover, if you begin to accept these capsules handfuls to finish a dose to minimum effective, you will grow thin no more than on 2 kilograms a month.

Medicine costs more than 400 rubles. Accepting Doppelherz Beauty a slim-complex in the regular mode, you will lack it even for a month. And to receive all components of medicine in adequate doses, you should accept at least 15 capsules a day. Do not forget take Hepatamin for better results.

Then one packaging will last for you for four days. Generally, to hang up on medicine Doppelherz byyut a slim-complex a label "useless" we not in the right. It is really possible to lose weight about its help. Just the effect will be weak, and in a month you should drink 8 packagings of this means. Considering product cost, loss of two kilograms will cost you 3200 rubles. It is obvious that for this money you can purchase much more effective remedy for weight loss.

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