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25 Nov 2016

DMAE (Deanol) - (Dimethylamino, ethanol) Dimetilaminoetanol or dimethylethanoamine, is a natural precursor of acetylcholine. DMAE is the natural nootrop which is present at food and at an organism.


DMAE is also well-cared have similar structure, DMAE is well-cared with one removed metil group. Both, as we know, increase acetylcholine level in a head brain, but shall be well-cared are processed in a liver while DMAE can directly be transported through hematoencephalic barrier. It explains why DMAE works more directly when it is necessary to increase concentration of attention and memory. It is the best of all for DMAE to begin to accept from a small amount and to gradually increase a dose to recommended. The organism gets used to high doses that can result in temporary muscular constraint in a neck and shoulders. It almost never occurs in case of regular doses of DMAE, but as precautionary measure it is better to increase a dose at an interval of a week. In three experiments, the medicine DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) which is implemented in the USA and Europe under the names Deaner and Lucidril increased life expectancy of mice to 49,5% in case of addition it in drinking water.

Nootrops strengthen supply of a brain with blood, respectively glucose, oxygen, etc. Nootrops improve interaction of both cells of a brain, and its certain areas and hemispheres. Owing to what memory, concentration of attention, ingenuity, etc. improves.

Important feature of nootrop is their capability to improve activities of a hypothalamus which is called the conductor of all hormonal system. Medicines capable of it, it is also expressed prolong life, for example, melatonin, prolongs life by 20-30%. In this group of medicines the most important is DMAE. This connection has a number of remarkable properties. In some experiments it prolonged life by 30%.

DMAE is useful to all irrespective of age and the state of health. It can be given even to children for improvement of concentration of attention, memory, increase in progress in school. DMAE is useful to people of intellectual work to stimulation of brain activities and to athletes, owing to the action all-toning and increasing physical and intellectual working capacity. Dimetilaminoetanol, in further DMAE, one of the major additives for prolongation of life. In one of experiments, medicine acephen, made on the basis of DMAE, prolonged life to experimental animals by 49,5% (DMAE in case of application it solely has no so expressed effect). DMAE the natural natural substance which is present at a human body and being a part of some children's vitamin complexes. Except a capability to prolong life, DMAE has still a number of remarkable properties.

One of the major substances in a human body - acetylcholine. It is the neurotransmitter or neurohormone which is responsible for signaling between nervous cages both in a brain, and in all TsNS. That is, acetylcholine does our organism to a whole. The lack of acetylcholine worsens work of all organism - actually the organism grows old quicker than regular. You can try Zhenoluten.

Let's notice that to 75% of the population can have deficit of acetylcholine. That is, much lack it even for satisfaction of natural physiological requirement. For prolongation of life of acetylcholine are required several times more. In case of a lack of acetylcholine there is sluggishness, fatigue, a depression, reaction delay, irritability, deterioration in thinking and memory.

DMAE, in case of hit in an organism, turns into acetylcholine.

It is extremely important to note: for prolongation of life we need to refuse surplus of animal products and to pass mainly to vegetable. However, such food can aggravate deficit of acetylcholine. Therefore, from the point of view of prolongation of life, we shall choose such strategy: mainly vegetable food and use of DMAE!

DMAE possesses the expressed antioxidatic action. Protects cells from damage by their most dangerous kind of free radicals. Also interferes with two-dimensional binding of molecules.

With age in cells of a brain, a CNS, heart, a skin, etc. the toxic pigment a lipofuscin collects. Earlier was considered that the lipofuscin is just garbage, an aging pigment. Now it is known that lipofuscin causes poisoning of cells. By an old age each cell can be chucked in 30% with lipofuscin. DMAE in time from several months to 2 years deletes to a half and more this garbage. It is obvious if in youth to begin to accept DMAE, then it is possible not to allow appreciable accumulation of lipofuscin in cells at all.

DMAE considerably improves properties of a blood, - capture and transfer of oxygen to tissues. It is shown that addition of DMAE in a tinned blood enlarges the term of its storage twice. All these effects cause appreciable extension of life, but except this DMAE: as well as all nootrop, it is expressed stimulates cerebral function: increases memory, concentration of attention, cognitive abilities;

improves mood, in the correct dosage improves a dream, causing bright realistic dreamings; raises the power status of an organism, in this regard it is used by athletes; increases elasticity of a skin, its tonus, appearance. DMAE doesn't allow to grow old! Aging of a skin is characterized by many changes, including formation of folds, decolouration, formation of maculae, a rupture of blood vessels and disappearance of gloss. However the person gives age not only because of changes which happen on a skin surface. On a chin, on a nose, along the line of a jaw the skin begins to droop.

Why muscles droop? When you strain a muscle of an arm or force face muscles to smile, on nerves there is a signal (process is very similar to functioning of an electric wire) to that part of muscular tissue which has to earn. On the end of a nerve there is a thickening where as in the tank, chemicals accumulate. Among them — Acetylcholinum. Every time when a certain quantity of Acetylcholinum gets to muscular tissue, she responds rising of a tonus or the movement. Like all other systems of a body, the nervous system grows old because of continuous harmful effects of free radicals and improper feeding too. As soon as aging begins, both the quantity of the developed Acetylcholinum, and extent of its impact on muscles decreases. The only way to turn process back (and it means — to receive stronger degree of a response of muscles and more tightened skin) is to increase the level of active Acetylcholinum in an organism that can be reached healthy nutrition and use of DMAE both outwardly, and internally. As a result both overall health, and a skin delivery will improve.

However the most impressive changes are observed if to monitor influence of DMAE on a neck and a contour of the lower part of the person. The neck skin tonus considerably raises, in several weeks probably the contour of the lower part of the person becomes stronger. And still the most appreciable action of DMAE is shown in natural tightening a century. All participants of an experiment reported that in several weeks the skin around eyes began to look more resilient and tightened. DMAE in combination with antioxidants helps to resolve one more problem which affects appearance: the thin or growing old skin at labiums. In the correct combination of DMAE allows even to make fuller excessively thin labiums or to remove from them thin mimic lines and wrinkles. Clinical studying confirms that DMAE really helps to strengthen blood circulation and to raise a tonus of labiums therefore they begin to look fuller and stronger.

DMAE is considered a nutrition component therefore you can accept it without harm for health. After long-term use of an agent some of patients noticed that at them the nose end slightly rose, thanks to the fact that DMAE improved a tonus of muscular tissue of a forehead. Nothing gives to the face of younger look, than tightening of the lowered nose end.

Method of application

Dosage of DMAE from 100 to 1500 mg a day. For prolongation of life it is recommended to be limited to a dose of 300-450 mg a day, a long rate till some months. For improvement of a general condition, increase in mental and physical capacities by a rate 1-3 months on 500-1000 mg and more in days. To begin acceptance with small doses, gradually increasing. Medicine and is accepted in the morning in the afternoon. In case of good tolerance it is possible to accept to food, otherwise during food. That medicine works effectively you will be able to recognize by such phenomena as more deep sleep and realistic dreams, easy twitching of muscles, the best concentration of attention. Let's notice only that this effect, as a rule, occurs in case of the use of medicine from 450 mg/day and more.

Side effect and contraindications

As DMAE - substance of a natural origin is also present at some food and at an organism, and the side effect is possible only in case of strong overdose. The headache, sleeplessness, gastrointestinal frustration, and excessively bright dreams are the widespread phenomenon. Some people consider that DMAE excessively stimulates, and others can test drowsiness and violation of cognitive functions. In that case, it is necessary to lower a dose or to temporarily stop acceptance. It is necessary to find out what effect in advance renders on you DMAE, before work with the equipment and driving. Pregnant and feeding, and also the patients having convulsive and bipolar disorder shan't accept DMAE.

In case of the high level of gomotsistein in blood (is related to cardiovascular diseases), diseases of kidneys and a liver it is necessary to consult with the doctor, before DMAE application.

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