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D-Aspartic Acid

25 Nov 2016

D-Aspartic Acid from Empyreal Dragon - the dietary supplement containing d-aspargin acid which restores testosterone level in blood.

D-Aspartic Acid from Empyreal Dragon

Effects of reception of asparagin acid:

  • The increased production of testosterone;
  • Increase in force and endurance;
  • Increase in a libido;
  • Improvement of a condition of bones;
  • Gain of dry muscle bulk;
  • Burning of a fatty layer.

At women testosterone promotes restoration of sexual desire, elimination of surplus of subcutaneous fat, decrease in risks of developing of stresses and depressions. The lack of this hormone results in dryness and exhaustion of skin.


4 capsules contain: D-Aspartic Acid of 3.000 mg


The recommended dosage constitutes 3 g (4 capsules) a day. This dose is recommended to be divided into several acceptances with an interval in time of 3-5 hours. 

One bank D-Aspargin of acid it is expected 1 rate (2-3 weeks). After the termination it is necessary to make a pause for 1 week. It is necessary in order that own development of hormone was recovered to the greatest possible level. Then, when secretion will again be reduced, recommended to resume medicine acceptance. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Pielotax.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects and contraindications at men aren't revealed. It isn't recommended to exceed a daily regulation of medicine not to reduce natural secretion of testosterone.

At women in case of long-term use emergence of small vegetation on the person, easy lowering of a timbre of a voice is possible. For avoidance of side effects it is necessary to do breaks in medicine acceptance.

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