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Medicine Cypionat 200 (Testosterona C)

25 Nov 2016

Cypionat 200 is the most favourite and often applied testosterone in the USA. It became popular in Europe not so long ago. Means is also known under trade names of Depotest, "Testosterone Tsipionat, Andronad, Depot Testosterone.

Medicine Cypionate 200 (Testosterona C)

The longest for today from testosterone air — the half-life period constitutes 15-16 days. Means is issued in the form of an oily solution. Most often medicine is applied in the combined rates for the purpose of a set of muscle bulk.

Effect and action of means

Testosterona C possesses powerful androgenic and anabolic action. On the action means is very similar to testosterone enantat. Differences in medicines insignificant: tsipionat shows the efficiency quicker and because of it saves a little more water.

As any injection forms of testosterone, Cypionat 200 are caused by a considerable surplus of muscle bulk and strength of the person during a cycle. You can also like Pielotax.

In an organism medicine works as natural hormone testosterone — causes voice posterization, aggression, a sexual passion, growth of muscles. Testosterone works through anabolic receptors that allows muscles to keep more nitrogen — from it and proteins of muscles are created.

Many athletes complain of "draining" of the most part of the built-up muscle bulk, but it happens because of the wrong creation of an exit from a rate. It is impossible to expect that all increased weight will remain, but its losses will be minimum.

Use of Cypionat 200

Average dosage of medicine: 1-2ml \week.

"Attention" can quickly lead Use of air of testosterone to suppression of production of own sex hormone. Therefore after the termination of a course PKT is necessary

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