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Chorionic gonadotropin in bodybuilding

19 Oct 2017

Many beginning sportsmen are interested in how to take gonadotropin in bodybuilding and what is it for. Let's try to understand and answer the question asked. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a protein of hormonal nature, secreted by the envelope of the embryo after the onset of pregnancy. Normally, this biologically active product, contained in the body of a man and a woman in small amounts (0-5 ME), has an effect similar to that of testosterone, i.e., enhances the function of the sex glands.

How to take gonadotropin

The vast majority of anabolic steroids, which are widely known among weightlifters, lead to the development of side effects, in particular, to suppress the production of natural androgens and impair spermatogenesis. Gonadotropin in bodybuilding and is the drug that softens the negative effects of anabolics, stimulating the production of its own (endogenous) testosterone. According to experts, its use is justified and necessary in the period or after the course use of steroids. First of all, for the prevention of testicular atrophy, which is able to go into hypogonadism, and also to preserve the typed muscle mass and eliminate some of the side anabolic effects.

Professionals believe that gonadotropin in bodybuilding should be taken necessarily if the steroid cycle exceeds 6 weeks, and also if the artificial androgens were used in high doses. However, to avoid getting used to and developing unwanted effects, you must follow the recommended dosages.

Also, in the course of clinical studies, it was found that Chorionic gonadotropin can be used as a means of preserving muscle mass when losing weight. To ensure that during fat burning fat, muscles are protected from catabolism, experts recommend using the drug in small, safe doses.

Possible side effects

Gynecomastia (proliferation of glandular tissue and enlargement of the mammary glands);

Appearance of acne;

Increase the size of the prostate gland;

Hair loss or hirsutism (increased hairiness)

The appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics (in women).

To avoid the occurrence of negative moments, experts recommend refraining from using overdosages, not practicing steroids for more than two months, and, at the end of taking Gonadotropin, be sure to undergo a hormonal system examination.

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