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20 Oct 2016

CJC-1295 - the tetrareplaced peptide hormone which consists of 30 amino acids. In a human body functions as an analog of a somatoliberin (a natural stimulator of secretion of hormone of growth).

One of the main benefits of CJC-1295 DAC in comparison with widely applied GRF(1-29) analog (synonyms: CJC-1295 w/o, without or without DAC) is the long period of semi-destruction (up to two weeks). CJC-1295 DAC contacts proteins of plasma (albumine) that leads to significant increase in duration of action, due to addition of the lysine connected with not peptide molecule DAC (Drug Affinity Complex).


Surely specify "attention" upon purchase whether is available as a part of the molecule CJC-1295 DAC (Drug Affinity Complex), efficiency and the scheme of a rate will depend on it. If in structure there is no Drug Affinity Complex, then you purchase the tetrareplaced or modified GRF(1-29) which sellers often call SJS-1295, this peptide works about 30 minutes.

Storage conditions: 2-8 C degrees (refrigerator). Method of application: Injections hypodermically or intramuscularly.


CJC-1295 DAC was invented in the Canadian company of biotechnologies ConjuChem in 2005, however received popularity in bodybuilding only by 2010-2011 when the production technology the third-party companies, including the Chinese producers seized. Time of action (elimination half-life) constitutes of 6-8 days.

CJC-1295 DAC

The ConjuChem company initiated researches on CJC-1295 DAC in 2005 which purpose was studying of effect of substance on visceral fat at patients of patients with AIDS and obesity. It is known that earlier in similar situations growth hormone for combustion of fat was used. Results were very successful for most of patients, however researches were suspended after submission of legal claims by three patients which transferred a myocardial infarction after a rate of CJC-1295 DAC.

Action mechanism

CJC-1295 affects kernels of a forward share of a hypophysis and stimulates growth hormone secretion, mainly, by means of tsAMF of a dependent way. Substance contacts receptors of GHRH which carrying to the G-protein group of the interfaced receptors.


Researchers have shown that CJC-1295 DAC has effects, similar with growth hormone:

  • increase in force
  • growth of muscles
  • combustion of fat
  • improvement of quality of skin (smoothing of wrinkles)
  • increase in density of bones
  • strengthening of sheaves and joints
  • positive influence on a dream

During a course there are characteristic feelings of swelling of muscles.

Short review of physiology of hormone of growth

Start of release of the growth hormone (GH) a hypophysis depends on three main types of hormones regulators:

Somatostatin who suppresses secretion of GR, he provides a pulsoobrazny curve of secretion (creates the peaks of concentration in certain hours, in particular at night).

Growth hormone a rileasing hormone (GHRH), is the peptide stimulating release. Introduction to an organism causes wavy rise in concentration which will be weak in hours when natural secretion of GR is reduced at the expense of a somatostatin, and high during natural rise in concentration of GR (for example, at night). In other words GHRH strengthens secretion of GR, without breaking a natural curve. Artificial analogs: GRF(1-29), it is Sermorelin and CJC-1295. You can also like Phenotropil.

GHRP - is the secretion modulator, that is regulates balance between peaks and falling of concentration of GR. Artificial analogs are GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Hexarelin and Ipamorelin. Create the peak of concentration of GR right after introduction, regardless of time of day and existence of a somatostatin in blood. Age allows to keep growth hormone secretion, despite escalating influence of a somatostatin.

Course of CJC-1295 DAC in bodybuilding

After a one-fold injection of CJC-1295 DAC, concentration of hormone in blood increases at 2-10 times by 6th day, concentration of IGF-I increases by 1,5-3 times by 10th day. Elimination half-life makes 6-8 days. After several injections the level of an insulinelike growth-1 factor (IFR-1) remains raised for a month. The average dose makes 30-60 micrograms on body weight kg, once a week.

Very often there are disagreements concerning medicine introduction frequency. So in researches the following concentration curves in case of different dosages were received:

Proceeding from these diagrams average concentration on days of the week were calculated, when using standard doses on 1 and 2 mkg:

From calculations it is visible that for maintenance of optimum concentration 2 times a week as by fifth day it is reduced to ineffective are expedient to enter peptide. Also we will provide diagrams of use of different dosages of medicine on which it is visible that optimum concentration of IFR-1 is watched in case of a dose of 60 mkg/kg (about 2000 mkg, twice a week), and in case of increase in a dose up to 125 mkg/kg concentration of IFR-1 practically doesn't increase.

Thus, optimum it is possible to read the following protocol: on 1000-2000 mkg (1 or 1/2 bottles) two times a week. In addition to trainings, don't forget to keep to the correct diet and to accept a sporting supply for achievement of the purpose.

Combined course

It was well proved and precisely established that simultaneous entering of GHRH (for example, CJC-1295) and GHRP (for example, GHRP-6 or GHRP-2) leads to a synergy effect. These peptides possess exponential action at each other. In other words, when entering one CJC-1295 we will gain the stimulating effect in 2 points. When entering only of one GHRP-6 we will gain effect in 4 points. When entering both substances at the same time we will gain effect not in 6 points (additive action 2+4=6) as it was possible to expect, and in 10 points - than the amount of everyone separately is more (exponential action 2+4=10). Thus, we receive not only a bigger anabolic response, but also we can save means.

In spite of the fact that the natural pulsation of GR when entering CJC-1295 remains, it doesn't cause increase in these peaks, increasing only the GR basal level, creating thus a concentration pattern on female type with a smaller anabolic response. Moreover, GHRH are effective only when the level of a somatostatin low. Therefore the combination of CJC-1295 and GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 allows to keep a natural curve and to regulate time and height of peaks of concentration.

Optimal combined course:

  • GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 on 100 mkg three times a day.
  • CJC-1295 on 1000 mkg twice a week.
  • Duration of a rate is 8-12 weeks.

By efficiency it is equated to growth hormone cycle on 15 PIECES/days, at the same time cost is several times lower.

Storage and preparation

It is necessary to cool a bottle to room temperature then to enter the required water volume for injections (which has to flow down on a bottle wall) and to stir the rotating movements (not to shake). The solution received by means of water for injections remains stable for only 8-10 days in the refrigerator. If to use bacteriostatic water, duration of storage increases up to 30 days in the refrigerator. It is better for CJC-1295 DAC to dissolve only by means of bacteriostatic water. The received solution can't be frozen.

CJC-1295 course without DAC

Optimum dose of CJC-1295 without DAC: 1 mkg/kg to three times a day (in case of a subcutaneous injection) (in an ampoule of 2 mg = 2000 mkg). Thus, 90 mkg will be a relevant dosage weighing 90 kg, and one bottle will last for 8-22 days (depending on reception frequency).

It is also desirable to combine this peptide with GHRP-6 or GHRP-2. For example, the standard protocol looks so: one injection contains 100 mkg of GHRP-6 + 100 mkg of the modified GRF(1-29). It is possible to dissolve in one syringe. Solution is found 2-3 times a day, with a difference at least 3 hours. The best time for injections: after the training, in 15 minutes prior to food and before going to bed!

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