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Arshavin: Doping take all athletes

25 Aug 2016

Doping in varying degrees, take all athletes, ex-captain of the Russian national team Andrey Arshavin.

As a result of doping scandals in connection with the information from the WADA report of an independent commission led by Richard McLaren before the Games in Rio de Janeiro is not the Russian athletes were allowed, weightlifters, most of the Russian rowing team and a number of other sports.

"In my opinion, all cyclic sports doping. It is simply impossible without doping. This swimming, skiing, biking. Doping, I think, take all, - said Arshavin. – There is doping in football and hockey, but to a lesser extent. In team sports doping use very little. It is there where you are struggling with himself, for his second. That’s why some athletes use Meldonium (Mildronate)"

Arshavin added that doping appeared "not today, not yesterday." "It appeared after the war. Who was the best pharmacy? The Germans and the Soviet Union. These powers in the light and heavy athletics went ahead, Americans tightened. Then, when the Soviet Union collapsed, the money for it is not, right? The same institutions are all produced, we experimented. Who has more money was? The Americans. They are very advanced. The question now is - what is caught that is not caught? Anyway, take all the dope to some degree. People have caught - the question, "- said Arshavin.

"Ten - fifteen years ago in athletics federation president allowed to use (doping) top athletes. I talked about it. They became stars, attracted by advertising, consequently, revenues were more, "- said the footballer.

Arshavin believes that to solve the problem of doping in sport is impossible. "I do not know how to solve it. This unsolvable question. It's the same thing as to say: "Let's not fight!". Everyone knows that the war - this is bad. But nobody wants to cancel the production of weapons. I think it is in this series - said Arshavin. - Russia pays for its political decisions, and sports as well. It is true - is unfair? Life is always unfair. Or in general it is a subjective concept. Of course, this is a great tragedy for the athletes, especially the Olympians. "

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