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ATP - pricks and medicines in bodybuilding

23 Nov 2016

ATP is produced in the form of medical supplies and sports food. In drugstores it is possible to buy freely ATP solution for injections - amp ATP. 1% 1 ml of N10. Tableted forms are also available to intake: ATP forte and ATP Long which have the prolonged action.

Medicines ATP, popular in bodybuilding:

  • ATP
  • Atrifos
  • Sodium adenosine triphosphate
  • Miotrifos
  • Fosfobion
  • Adefos
  • Kortifos
  • Striadin
  • Triadenil
  • Trifosfodin
  • Trifosfaden
  • Trifosadenin

Sports food with ATP

  • Elevate ATP from EPIC Preformance
  • Nitro ATP from Urban Biologics
  • Peak ATP With GlycoCarn from Life Extension
  • Anabolic HALO from MuscleTech
  • ShroomTECH Sport from Onnit Labs

Regimen of dosage of ATP

ATP can be entered in the form of tablets inside, in the form of injections intramuscular and intravenously. "Attention" Depending on it drug doses vary.

Nyxes of ATP

Intramuscular injections are carried out deeply in muscles of breeches or a femur on 10 mg (1 ml of 1% of solution) of 1 times a day, then in the same dose 2 times a day or on 20 mg of 1 times a day. A course of treatment - 30-40 injections, a repeated course - in 1-2 months. Nyxes of ATP differ in special morbidity in the place of an injection therefore it can be admixed with local anesthetics (Lidocainum, Novocainum, etc.)

Intravenous nyxes of ATP in bodybuilding aren't recommended to be carried out as it is absolutely inexpedient and bradycardia (the reflex cardiac standstill for several seconds is in rare instances possible), falling of arterial pressure with the subsequent tachycardia, erubescence threatens with such side effects as. ATP doses at intravenous injections shouldn't exceed 10 mg, in bodybuilding of it it isn't enough therefore avoid this method of introduction. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Sports delivery ATP of tablet

Average dosage of ATP for intake of 50 - 200 mg a day, 2-4 times a day.

Effects of ATP

There is an essential difference between attempt "to stick" or"eat" additional ATP (that is impossible) and to increase ability of an organism to ATP synthesis (the modern dietary supplements aimed at ATP so work). The second way is an effective way of rising of ATP, endurance and oxygen capacity of a blood, but he doesn't assume immediate reception of "ATP", and works due to use of vitamins /adaptogens and dietary additives. Documentary, and in the Olympic practice, positive influence of a mushroom of Korditsps on endurance of athletes is noted.

"Attention" doesn't lead Additional reception of ATP to rise in energy and an essential raising of level of endogenic ATP and doesn't enlarge muscle bulk. Nyxes, the use inside or under tongue - all these ways lead to inevitable destruction of ATP, long before entering in muscles therefore there is no sense to carry out morbid injections.

After ATP comes to an organism (the way of introduction doesn't matter) it doesn't come to cells as has a negative charge. In a cell the medium is negatively charged too therefore ATP simply makes a start from cellular membranes. In an intestine or in a muscle, ATP it begins to be blasted by enzyme EctoATP-difosforilasa to an AMP, on it no more than 2-3 seconds are required. In 3 seconds, the AMP is blasted (it is hydrolyzed by enzyme 5 nucleotidase and an adenosilgomotsistein-hydrolyzing enzyme) to an adenosine. Practically all adenosine is caught by erythrocytes where the adenosine deaminase is quickly converted into Inosinum (Riboxinum) by enzyme.

"Attention" Thus, can't be brought to ATP to muscles, irrespective of doses and a way of introduction. Indications for use of drugs ATP are lately completely revised, now use them only for stopping of cordial arrhythmias and in rare instances for relaxation of a smooth musculation of vessels. Action on other organs is impossible because ATP is blasted to Inosinum long before entering in organs, Inosinum causes all effects of the use of ATP. Therefore, it is more reasonable to accept additives with Inosinum from which ATP in an organism is synthesized.

Solution [to Govern] ATP (ATF)

Structure and form of release

1 ml of 1% of solution (0,01 g) in an ampoule. 10 ampoules in packing.

Indications to use

Muscular dystrophy and atrophy, poliomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, supraventricular Bouveret's disease; a coronary failure, post infarction, acute and chronic cardiovascular failure, obliterating diseases of arteries (the alternating lameness, Raynaud's disease, obliterating thromboangitis), heriditary pigmental degeneration of a retina.

References on use in sport

Maintenance of cordial activity at an appreciable exercise stress.

Restoration after an exercise stress at a training of quality of endurance.

Sports cardiomyopathies.

Route of administration and doses

Intramusculary, intravenously. In the first days of treatment - on 0,01 g (1 ml of 1% of solution) of 1 times/days, then in the same dose of 2 times/days or on 0,02 g 1 times/days. A course of treatment - 30-40 injections, a repeated course - in 1-2 months. For stopping of supraventricular arrhythmias - intravenously 0,01-0,02, during 5-6 with (the effect occurs through 30-40 c). If necessary the repeated injection in 2-3 min. is possible.


Hypersensitivity, acute myocardial infarction, arterial hypotension, inflammatory diseases of lungs.

Side effects

Allergic reactions (itch, dermahemia). At intramuscular introduction - a headache, tachycardia, diuresis augmentation, hyperuricemia; at intravenous - nausea, dermahemia of the person, a headache, delicacy.

Special indicatings

It is impossible to enter in high doses along with cardiac glycosides. Cardiac glycosides increase risk of development of side effects (including aritmogenny action).

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